Monday, October 31, 2011

Food chemical regulations rely heavily on industry self-policing and lack transparency, report finds

Food chemical regulations rely heavily on industry self-policing and lack transparency, report finds: Safety decisions concerning one-third of the more than 10,000 substances that may be added to human food were made by food manufacturers and a trade association without review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, according to a new analysis. The report illustrates potential problems with the US food additive regulatory program.

Clues to young children's aggressive behavior uncovered by new study

Clues to young children's aggressive behavior uncovered by new study: In a new longitudinal study that moves beyond descriptive findings to explain underlying processes, researchers looked at difficult infant temperament and negative maternal parenting for more than 260 mother and child pairs and found that negative maternal parenting mattered more than difficult infant temperament in putting parent-child pairs at risk for conflict in the toddler period, and then putting children at risk for conduct problems at school age.

Hard times during adolescence point to health problems later in life

Hard times during adolescence point to health problems later in life: Being hard up socially and financially during adolescence and early adulthood takes its toll on the body, and leads to physiological wear and tear in middle aged men and women, irrespective of how tough things have been in the interim. According to researchers, experience of social and material stressors around the time of transition into adulthood is linked to a rise in disease risk factors in middle age, including higher blood pressure, body weight and cholesterol.

How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain

How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain: Cannabis use is associated with disturbances in concentration and memory. New research by neuroscientists in the UK has found that brain activity becomes uncoordinated and inaccurate during these altered states of mind, leading to neurophysiological and behavioral impairments reminiscent of those seen in schizophrenia.

Obese people regain weight after dieting due to hormones, Australian study finds

Obese people regain weight after dieting due to hormones, Australian study finds: Worldwide, there are more than 1.5 billion overweight adults, including 400 million who are obese. Although restriction of diet often results in initial weight loss, more than 80 per cent of obese dieters fail to maintain their reduced weight. Obese people may regain weight after dieting due to hormonal changes, a new study has shown.

Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age

Older men with higher testosterone levels lose less muscle mass as they age: A recent study found that higher levels of testosterone were associated with reduced loss of lean muscle mass in older men, especially in those who were losing weight. In these men, higher testosterone levels were also associated with less loss of lower body strength.

Images in magazines and on television increase body dissatisfaction

Images in magazines and on television increase body dissatisfaction

What is Personal Injury Protection?

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?

Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.

Why should i get an attorney after an Auto/Car accident for my injuries?

An attorney helps with all aspects of an auto/car accident claim or injury. They keep an individual from spending countless hours on the phone with insurance adjusters that really don't care about your well being. It also helps to keep stress levels down and allow you to concentrate on recovery and getting well. Our office only works with the best attorneys/lawyers in Dallas/Fort Worth. We have learned through trial and error, who best takes care of our patients. They also make sure that all your medical bills are settled. This allows you to be additionally stress and medical bill free at the end. We also help those who are not able to treat in our office, who are in need of an attorney. We are here to help!!! So don't hesitate in calling and making an appointment to get examined and also ask about scheduling a free consultation with a reputable attorney. You only have one body, so you need to take care of it. Call Today!!! (972)215-7720

Auto/Car Accidents and whiplash injuries that received treatment in our ...

North Dallas Chiropractic-Auto/Car Accident Specialists Whiplash treatme...

El paciente estuvo en un accidente grande de camiĆ³n.

Anatomy of Whiplash

When your body is involved in trauma, your neck is one of your most vulnerable areas. Whiplash, the hard and fast forward-backward movement of the neck, can cause pain that can last well after other injuries have healed. To understand why your neck is so sore, it helps to know the anatomy involved.

Whiplash can be a complicated diagnosis as the doctor tries to figure out exactly which parts of the spine have been affected. And there are a lot of complex parts to your cervical spine—the technical name for your neck. The cervical spine begins at the base of the skull. It contains seven small vertebrae (bones), which doctors label C1 to C7 (the 'C' means cervical). The numbers 1 to 7 indicate the level of the vertebrae. C1 is closest to the skull, while C7 is closest to the chest.

In between each vertebra are tough fibrous shock-absorbing pads called the intervertebral discs. (These discs are what slide back and forth during the trauma.) Each disc is made up of a tire-like outer band and a gel-like inner substance. The outer band is called the annulus fibrosus; the inner part is called the nucleus pulposus.

In addition to bones and discs, your cervical spine also includes the upper region of the spinal cord, eight nerve roots, an elaborate system of arteries and veins, 32 muscles for strength, and numerous ligaments. For such a small area, there is a lot to your neck. That means that there are a lot of parts that can be injured when you have whiplash.

Remarkably, the cervical spine supports the full weight of your head, which is usually about 8 pounds—yet no other region of the spine has such freedom of movement. The cervical spine can move your head in nearly every direction: 90° of forward motion, 90° of backward motion, 180° of side to side motion, and almost 120° of tilt to either shoulder.

Unfortunately, this flexibility makes the neck very susceptible to pain and injury, such as whiplash. In whiplash, those 15 pounds are dramatically tossed frontwards then backwards—that's one important reason to wear seatbelts properly and use airbags whenever possible.

Closed head injury due to Auto accidents

closed head injury from car accident

Closed head injury from car accident incidents occurs when a victim's head violently impacts some internal portion of a vehicle, is struck by a moving object during collision, or strikes any other non-moving object in the course of a motor vehicle accident. Closed brain injury from car accident incidents results in damage to the skull, brain, or scalp, but does not penetrate the skull. Closed head injury from car accident incidents may be difficult to diagnose because there might not be any visible external injury that indicates head trauma.

Closed head injury from car accident injuries that results in brain injury is most commonly known as a concussion. A concussion can range from mild to critical in terms of severity. Concussion closed head injury from car accident incidents can result in a temporary loss of consciousness or coma, or symptoms may not appear for some time after the initial trauma. Bleeding and swelling of the brain can occur from this type of closed head injury from car accident incidents when the brain is violently jolted back and forth in the skull upon impact. Even a mild concussion can result in subtle brain damage.

Brain damage in a closed head injury from car accident incidents can have physical, cognitive, and psychological repercussions. The physical characteristics of a closed head injury from car accident incidents can occur immediately following the initial accident or can worsen in the period following the accident. Physical repercussions of a closed head injury can include: headaches, paralysis, coordination difficulty, weakness, sensory problems, nausea, and difficulty sleeping.

Concussion related brain damage in a closed head injury from car accident incidents can also impede on a victim's cognitive abilities. This can greatly affect one's ability to work or attend school following a car accident. Problems with attention and concentration, difficulty with both short and long term memory functions, trouble reasoning and problem solving, and reduced information processing may all be cognitive impairments that develop after a closed head injury from car accident incidents.

The consequences of a closed head injury from car accident incidents can also intrude on a victim's personal relationships and psychological well being. People who have suffered these types of head injuries may experience changes in their personality. Closed head injury from car accident victims may suffer increased irritability, anxiety, and dis-inhibition. These victims may lack adequate coping mechanisms and social skills as a result of their injuries.
Victims who have suffered closed head injury from car accident incidents may be eligible to seek compensation for their damages if the accident was the result of another party's negligence. This liable party may be another driver or it may be the producers, distributors, or repair people responsible for the defective auto parts that caused the car accident. Victims of closed head injury from car accident incidents can seek compensation for medical expenses, loss of income or earning potential, property damage, and pain and suffering.

Brain injury due to auto/car Accidents

Diffuse Axonal Injury
The brain consists of billions of nerve cells located in the gray matter which communicate with distant nerve cells through long nerve fibers called axons, composing the white matter. Severe sudden twisting or torquing of the brain, as occurs in a sudden acceleration/deceleration - whiplash -- accident, can stretch, twist, and damage these delicate axonal fibers. Under the microscope the axonal damage is called Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). Although diffuse axonal injury generally results from a severe whiplash injury that renders a patient comatose, recent studies have shown that diffuse axonal injury can also occur - but to a lesser degree -- when there has been only brief loss of consciousness (LOC). Because Diffuse Axonal Injury causes microscopic damage, it cannot be visualized on CT or MRI scans.

A second method of how the brain can be injured in high speed velocity change scenarios (a fall from a great height, high speed car accident) is called “Isotropic Stress.” Whereas diffuse axonal injury involves the deforming or stretching of the brain tissue, resulting in tearing, isotropic stress causes damage through a “pulse” or “pressure wave” that moves through the brain at extraordinarily high speeds. The damage is caused by a sudden change in the density of the inside of an individual brain cell. The instant compression causes damage to the internal structures of the brain cells.

Many of these same types of injuries have been discovered and treated in veterans returning from the Iraq war. They have often been exposed to the proximity blast of explosive charges. The pressure or pulse from the explosion moves through their body and as it move through the brain it causes damage to the cells. Although many of these soldiers look “fine” and have no bleeding, they can and will suffer serious brain injury as a result.

Because of the large number of veterans injured in this way, lots of research is being done on this type of brain injury at the present time and there should be studies available for an update on this new insight into TBI in mid-2008.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries.

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as injured as you really are. 
Too often people don't seek treatment following a car accident because they don't feel hurt. By far, the most common injury to the neck is a whiplash injury.Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the head, either backward, forward, or sideways, that results in the damage to the supporting muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck and upper back. 
Unfortunately, by the time more serious complications develop, some of the damage from the injury may have become permanent.Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been in a motor vehicle or any other kind of accident, don't assume that you escaped injury if you are not currently in pain. Contact us today!

Why should i be examined after a auto/car accident?

What are the symptoms of whiplash?

The most common symptoms related to whiplash include:

* neck pain and stiffness,

* headache,

* shoulder pain and stiffness,

* dizziness,

* fatigue,

* jaw pain (temporomandibular joint symptoms),

* arm pain,

* arm weakness,

* visual disturbances,

* ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and

* back pain.

In the more severe and chronic case of "whiplash associated disorder" symptoms can include:

* depression,

* anger,

* frustration,

* anxiety,

* stress,

* drug dependency,

* post-traumatic stress syndrome,

* sleep disturbance (insomnia),

* and

* social isolation.

How is whiplash diagnosed?

After an accident the patient may be taken to the hospital and/or a Chiropractor's office to be examined. The doctor will examine the patient to determine if they have any injuries that require treatment. Based on the symptoms and examination findings the doctor may place a collar on the neck for additional support. The doctor may also obtain x-rays of the neck to check for more serious injury. The most important first step is to make sure there is no major injury to the neck, head or the rest of the body requiring immediate treatment.

If the x-rays are normal but the patient continues to have neck pain, the doctor may keep the cervical collar in place and see the back in the office in about a week for an additional examination. At that time the doctor may obtain new x-rays to see if there have been any changes. If the doctor is still concerned about soft tissue injuries, he or she may obtain either x-rays with the head leaning forward and backwards (dynamic x-rays) or obtain an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging study). These dynamic x-rays or MRI scans are better able to detect injuries to the soft tissues of the neck, especially instability, that may not been seen with normal x-rays of the neck.


Unfortunately, studies show that most of us will be in an auto accident at some point in our lives. The only question remaining, is how bad will it be?
The following are important things to remember if you are involved in an auto accident:

1. Seek treatment as soon as possible.
If there is a chance you may be seriously hurt, you should go to the Emergency room at your local hospital. There they can rule out fractures and life threatening injuries.

2. If you are still experiencing pain and discomfort a few days to a couple weeks later, than you should come to our office to find out if you have any structural damage.
NOTE: The longer you wait after an accident to come to our office, typically the longer it takes to get you better.

3. Most auto insurance companies have what is calledPersonal injury Protection/Med Pay. This means that your bills will be paid up to 100% up to a certain limit. Our office can check that for you.

4. If the accident was not your fault. The other party's auto insurance should cover your health care expenses in our office. We do all of the paperwork for you.

5. At the accident scene, get as much information on the other driver or drivers as possible. An accident report by Police is always helpful, but not required to have a case.

6. You should never settle with an insurance company before you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.

7.Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult after an auto accident. We have a number of reputable and highly qualified Attorneys who we can refer you to for a complimentary consultation. Hiring a reputable Attorney essentially takes you out of the direct bargaining process with the insurance company and all the paperwork and phone calls associated with that and lets you concentrate on healing.

8. Injuries sustained after a car-accident if left untreated can lead to spinal degeneration and a host of other problems for years to come.
FINAL NOTE: We find that many people involved in an auto accident that WAS THEIR FAULT never get treatment.
This tends to be due to the fear that their insurance will go up after a claim is filed.
Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is why you have auto insurance in the first place.
Many insurance companies will not raise your rates after 1 or even 2 accidents in the same year.


Call our office today at (972) 215-7720.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accid

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body.

More than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy have been identified, each with its own characteristic set of symptoms, pattern of development, and prognosis. Impaired function and symptoms depend on the type of nerves -- motor, sensory, or autonomic -- that are damaged. Some people may experience temporary numbness, tingling, and pricking sensations, sensitivity to touch, or muscle weakness. Others may suffer more extreme symptoms, including burning pain (especially at night), muscle wasting, paralysis, or organ or gland dysfunction. Peripheral neuropathy may be either inherited or acquired. Causes of acquired peripheral neuropathy include physical injury (trauma) to a nerve, tumors, toxins, autoimmune responses, nutritional deficiencies, alcoholism, and vascular and metabolic disorders. Acquired peripheral neuropathies are caused by systemic disease, trauma from external agents, or infections or autoimmune disorders affecting nerve tissue. Inherited forms of peripheral neuropathy are caused by inborn mistakes in the genetic code or by new genetic mutations.

Is there any treatment?

Chiropractic brain based therapy helps in adopting healthy habits -- such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a balanced diet, correcting vitamin deficiencies, and limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption -- can reduce the physical and emotional effects of peripheral neuropathy. Systemic diseases frequently require more complex treatments.
There are therapies for many forms.

Get Examined after a Car/Auto Accident!

Untreated, many people suffer with headaches, back, and neck pain for years after an accident. Chiropractic patient care has been shown to provide effective relief from the sprain and strain resulting from motor vehicle accident injuries.

Whiplash injury is the effect of sprain and strain in the neck, and results from injury to joints, nerves, ligaments and muscles of the cervical spine.

When there is an impact to the vehicle, most often from the rear, and the neck is "whipped" back and forth, this is technically termed hyperextension and hyperflexion of the cervical spine. Nerves are often injured during this process and can cause a radiation of pain to the arms or legs, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision or other symptoms.

skull neck bonesWhen viewing a x-ray of the neck after a whiplash injury, there is most often a loss of the natural curvature, or lordosis. Medical radiologists will note this condition when reading a patient's x-rays, disregarding whiplash as they do not consider it momentous, and some ignore whiplash altogether if it does not present itself in an X ray. Conditions can present themselves after a patient has been released and made a settlement without an attorney. This means that they have to take care of all the medical bills themselves if not covered.

Unfortunately, if this condition is left untreated after the swelling goes down, whiplash injury can contribute to many different symptoms and health problems that can lead to arthritis in the spine that could have been prevented.

Specialized Chiropractic care provides relief of pain, removes pressure or "pinching" that can cause damage to nerves, and prevents the proliferation of spinal arthritis by normalizing the movement of individual segments of the spine, thereby resolving the "wear and tear" that otherwise occurs.

Chiropractic treatment truly rehabilitates the areas of injury, by helping to restore the natural curves of the spine, along with exercises and other positive treatment. It is rare that in this type of treatment you will hear a Chiropractor say to you, "you have to learn to live with it."

Most vehicle insurance companies will cover the fees for Chiropractic treatment applied for in full for injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, either through third party or State or medical pay type insurance, or both.

Look for a Chiropractic office that can provide service to verify insurance coverage and to directly bill the carriers involved as a courtesy to their patients. You need to be able to pursue the care you need without the stress of handling insurance and related concerns. You can choose to handle the financial aspect of care on your own or in whatever ways you choose.

Motor vehicle accidents can cause injury and pain in other areas of the spine and body. Patients often complain of associated shoulder pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, and pain to the hips and legs. When multiple areas of the spine are involved, the condition is more complex. Treatment may need to be over a period of weeks, usually resulting in the patient getting full movement and full recovery.

Why an MVA can't always be Measured as to the extent of injury, But the Insurance company will try for their own Gain

Dynamic Chiropractic – January 15, 2010, Vol. 28, Issue 02
Study Confirms Flaws in Standard MVC Defense Strategy
By Arthur Croft, DC, MS, MPH, FACO

The seemingly complex, or perhaps even inscrutable, calculus of what practitioners term personal injury is, in truth, deceptively simple. However, while it keeps getting simpler, many practitioners and lawyers feel hopelessly wrapped around the axle of this puzzling system. The net result is abandonment of needful patients and clients, with a corresponding loss of revenue stream. Consider just a few facts. Motor vehicle collisions are a leading cause of injury in the U.S. and constitute one of our most burdensome public health dilemmas. With 3 million such injuries each year, a total recovery proportion of only about 50 percent, a permanent disability proportion of 10-12 percent, coupled with the fact that many of the injured are young and have many quality life years to lose, the $43 billion annual price tag is hardly surprising.1
Auto insurers make every reasonable effort to insulate themselves from their liability. Some would argue that they engage in efforts most of us would consider unreasonable, if not downright unsavory or unethical. Regardless of your personal judgment, most would agree that over the past two decades, the insurers’ concerted and very expensive campaign to limit claims has been fairly successful.
With Allstate taking the vanguard position with their now-famous three Ds – delay, deny, and defend – most major auto insurers have since instituted similar policies, and the plaintiff persona-injury bar has more often withered than weathered. With a loss of potential legal representation, plaintiffs have had fewer alternatives for compensation. This often has meant that needed health care resources are simply not available to them, which contributes further to the doleful outcome statistics mentioned above. Since inaugurating its get-tough policy in the mid-1990s, which was described by its consulting firm as a transition “from good hands to boxing gloves,” Allstate has reportedly posted surprising high profits.2 Other insurers have not failed to notice.
The Standard Defense and the Importance of Delta V
How could any of this possibly be simple? One need look no further than the essential game plan of most defense lawyers: deception, dissimilation and obfuscation. It requires a team of experts from the fields of medicine (including chiropractic), accident reconstruction and biomechanics who have collectively developed what I consider to be the standard defense strategy. It continues to be the most successful and widely used strategy today, having become the world standard.
This has fostered a small research industry dedicated to the production of pro-defense literature to aid in the cause. Most is junk science. Make no mistake, insurers have the best researchers money can buy and they know how to get published. As a result, even many clinicians remain split on critical issues depending on which brand of literature they rely upon. I note, with all due respect to the Insurance Institute for Highways Safety (IIHS) and members of the International Insurance Whiplash Protection Group (IIWPG), that their research activities are quite laudatory and most welcome. However, there is just a bit of schizophrenia in this industry when it comes to research. While the valid research of the IIHS and the IIWPG is squarely aimed at reducing the industry payout problem by reducing the number of actual injuries, the “other” research seems to be aimed at providing verisimilitude for company experts to wield in courtrooms to sway jurors toward defense theories.
The standard defense has three parts and is based on the ultimate playing field: a court of law, and, in particular, the biases and naivete (i.e., the normal lack of specific factual information in the field of crash traumatology) of jurors. Polls suggest that Americans are also divided on the question of whiplash injuries. As many as 60-70 percent consider it either definitively or very likely a non-injury, but merely an opportunity to bilk insurers at the expense of the rest of us policy-holders who subsidize the system through the increasing premiums we must pay. Thus, jurors are easily misled by the standard defense strategy because it merely reinforces that which they already believe.
The first and most fundamental part of this strategy is to demonstrate that the forces of the collision would not have been of a sufficient magnitude to cause injury. The common currency for this discussion is the plaintiff vehicle’s delta V or change in velocity. For this, an accident reconstructionist is usually employed. Because reconstructionists are rarely allowed to provide opinions as to injury risk, they are often followed by a biomechanist, who is granted more latitude to venture into the discussion of injury risk. In some cases, they are allowed to consider medical records, MRIs, etc., in forming their opinions. Finally, the defense physician (DC, DO or MD) adds the icing to the cake, testifying that either there was no injury or that there was a minor straining-type injury that has long since resolved.
When pre-existing conditions are present, the plaintiff’s complaints are often attributed to them rather than the injury. Company doctors will typically also be of the opinion that a large portion of the medical expenses claimed by the plaintiff are unnecessary, unreasonable,and represent unwarranted treatment and diagnostics. Note that low back injuries are virtually never admitted to be causally related to low-velocity collisions. I have written a paper on this subject which is available upon e-mail request at .3
As I have so many times implored readers – and this fact is never contested even by my small army of industry-affiliated detractors – the entire defense mechanism just described is nothing more than a series of interlocking nonsequiturs. The accident reconstructions and biomechanists provide a very polished and seemingly airtight argument based on what appear to be sound mathematical principles and classical Newtonian physics. This is all very interesting, and would be even more so if it had the additional virtue of being true.
Delta V Not a Valid Gauge of Injury Risk?
But figures don’t always add up, which brings me back to the headline of this article. A new study that provides further compelling evidence that delta V, the keystone in the standard defense strategy, is not a valid gauge of injury risk.4 The authors recruited a total of 57 people within 48 hours of their MVCs. The subjects were recruited either from an engineer’s office for vehicle damage assessment or an ER. The whiplash grades ranged from 0-4 (0 indicating no claimed injury and 4 indicating fracture). The collision types included 13 frontal, 21 rear, 19 side, three multiple crashes and one rollover. There were 25 males and 32 females with a median age of 33.
In all cases a trained engineer determined the delta V by examining both crash vehicles. The VAS and Neck Disability Indexes (NDI) scores were tabulated. The authors found no significant correlation between NDI and delta V, no correlation between whiplash grade and delta V, and only a moderate correlation between VAS reported pain and delta V. However, the R2 value (coefficient of determination) for that correlation was only 0.30, which means that 70 percent of the proportion of the variability of pain severity was not explained by differences in delta V.
There was no lower threshold below which a large proportion would predictably not be injured, nor was there an upper threshold above which most would predictably be injured. This was because some people were injured in very low velocity crashes while others were not injured despite fairly high velocity crashes. The authors commented, “It can be concluded that delta V is an irrelevant predictive value for cervical spine injury after MVA [motor vehicle accident].”
Some specific findings include the following: Cervical spine fractures in frontal crashes occurred in delta Vs of 9.3, 19.9 and 31.1 mph. Fractures in side impacts occurred in delta Vs of 6.2 (z-joint fracture of C4), 9.9 (C7 with dislocation of C6-7), 19.9 (z-joint fracture of C2), 31.1 (C5 fracture with C5-6 dislocation and paraplegia), 32.3 (rupture of alar ligaments), 36.0 (atlantoaxial dislocation) and 36.6 mph (rupture of alar ligaments). There was a dens fracture in the one rollover with the delta V reported as 9.3 mph. This article is available for free download at
A related component of the standard defense strategy is the property damage issue. Specifically, the argument goes, when the property damage is minor, an injury is very unlikely. We addressed this issue earlier in a meta-analysis of medical and engineering literature dating back as far as 1970 that failed to provide a clear link between property damage and any of three outcomes: risk for acute injury, degree of injury severity and risk for long-term symptoms.5 As I always caution readers, this lack of correlation considers the genre of collisions producing property damage that would be described as minor or non-severe. Clearly, when crash severity increases beyond this, there is an increased risk for injury or death.
A related interesting paper by Viano and Parenteau demonstrated that more than 60 percent of the National Automotive Sampling System case database for rear impacts are for crashes with delta Vs of under 15 mph. They noted, “In very low speed crashes, advanced age, stenosis and degeneration of the cervical spinal canal can lead to spinal cord injury and paralysis in crashes otherwise not causing injury in normal adults.”6 I would also note that it has been demonstrated rather conclusively that human variables (i.e., risk factors) are more determinative vis-a-vis injury risk than crash metrics in the lower crash-severity range.
In the end, when essential parts of the foundation of the defense strategy are tested, they repeatedly fail to hold up to the scrutiny of hard science. In a court of law, however, if the plaintiff and their experts cannot effectively present the real facts and rebut the junk science, 12 impressionable jurors will decide the outcome of the case based on their perception of the soundness of the arguments they heard. The simple fact is that more often than not, the plaintiff and their witnesses are simply not adequately prepared. Knowledge is power and information is the currency of success.
Zaloshnja E, Miller T, Council F, Persaud B. Comprehensive and human capital crash costs by maximum police-reported injury severity within selected crash types. Annu Proc Assoc Adv Automot Med, 2004;48:251-63.
Berardinelli DJ. From Good Hands to Boxing Gloves: The Dark Side of Insurance. Portland: Trial Guides, LLC, 2008.
Croft AC. Low back injuries in low velocity rear impact collisions. Forum, 2009;39(4):33-7.
Elbel M, Kramer M, Huber-Lang M, et al. Deceleration during “real life” motor vehicle collisions: a sensitive predictor for the risk of sustaining a cervical spine injury? Patient Saf Surg, 2009;3(1):5.
Croft AC, Freeman MD. Correlating crash severity with injury risk, injury severity, and long-term symptoms in low velocity motor vehicle collisions. Medical Science Monitor, 2005;11(10):RA316-21.
Viano DC, Parenteau CS. Serious injury in very low and very high speed rear impacts. SAE, 2008;2008-01-1485.

Auto/Car Accidents and whiplash and the Necessity of Chiropractic Care

One of the most stressful events in life is dealing with the issues that occur after an auto accident. The first thing a person thinks about after the crash is the car. Most people are not aware that some injuries are not detected for months or even years. Two things result in these situations: an insurance company settles with the victim without compensating for the pain and treatment needed from these undiagnosed injuries, and the injury gets worse over time due to the lack or delay of treatment. It is absolutely imperative that anybody that is in an auto accident immediately go see a Doctor trained in soft tissue injuries. While whiplash is a common injury from auto accidents, another common complaint of crash victims is that they don’t “feel like their normal selves.” They may also experience other symptoms like dizziness, blurry vision, headaches, back pain, muscle stiffness or spasms, neck pain, numbness and tingling, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, memory loss and difficulty concentrating.
Auto accidents can also cause post-traumatic osteoarthritis. This can damage your posture (producing a slumped or hump back appearance). Osteoarthritis can also cause the discs in the spine to degenerate and create scar tissue formation leading to chronic stiffness.
According to the Insurance Research Council, nearly 1/3 of all claimants injured in motor vehicle accidents seek treatment from doctors of chiropractic. That number is astounding when combined with the fact that the National Safety Council (NSC) has determined there to be more than 12 million accidents annually involving more than 20 million vehicles.
The reason people choose chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in auto accidents is simple – chiropractic care is exceptional in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with these events are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it’s only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice. Chiropractors are the primary care doctors trained specifically in dealing with injuries to the spine.
Much research has also found people injured in auto accidents prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study* evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.
One major concern individuals that have lived through the experience of an auto accident should be aware of is most medical doctors are not trained to detect the type of soft tissue or joint injury that does not show itself immediately. It is imperative that people involved in auto accidents consult with a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body; someone who treats these injuries every day.
Often, passengers can be hurt more than a driver, especially if it is a side wreck or T-bone. Children can suffer the same injuries as adults and should be given the same care despite a feeling by the parent that a child can’t be “that injured” if no bones are broken or there is no bruising to the skin.  Put it this way:  if damage was done to a vehicle that actuallybent metal, the people inside the vehicle surely absorbed that force as well.
Due to our bodies producing adrenaline at the time of an accident, this hormone acts like a natural pain killer and allows us to muster the courage to move through the impact and “take care of business”.  As mentioned above, it is often days or weeks later that the full impact of the crash is felt.  A trained doctor of chiropractic can be a brilliant source of diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue and joint injuries.
In addition, x-rays or MRI (if indicated) will be used to check for any structural damage. In our office, we routinely evaluate auto accident victims and make any appropriate referrals to other health care providers if necessary. Our primary responsibility is providing the proper care and submitting the required medical reports to the insurance company or attorney (if one is involved) so the rights of the patient are protected.
If we can’t help the patient, we will refer them to a doctor or facility that can. If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you have to make, and it is critical to make the first decision be to be evaluated by a doctor of chiropractic and get under care immediately.

Auto/Car Accidents

If you have been involved in a car accident, whiplash injuries need to be taken very seriously. Because symptoms of a whiplash injury can take weeks or months to manifest, it is easy to be fooled into thinking that you are not as injured as you really are. 

Too often people don't seek treatment following a car accident because they don't feel hurt. By far, the most common injury to the neck is a whiplash injury.Whiplash is caused by a sudden movement of the head, either backward, forward, or sideways, that results in the damage to the supporting muscles, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck and upper back. 

Unfortunately, by the time more serious complications develop, some of the damage from the injury may have become permanent.Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries. If you have been in a motor vehicle or any other kind of accident, don't assume that you escaped injury if you are not currently in pain. Contact us today!

Numerous studies have shown that years after whiplash victims settle their insurance claims, roughly half of them state that they still suffer with symptoms from their injuries.


Headaches are the second most common complaint following motor vehicle accidents (MVA's). Like the many other MVA symptoms, headache may not be present immediately following the accident and may take several weeks and often months to eventually surface. Most post-traumatic headaches are thought to originate from the soft tissues and facet joints of the neck as well as injury or irritation to the nerves of the upper cervical spine.
The literature has shown there to be multiple types of headaches which can be experienced following a MVA. These include the following:

  • Cervicogenic Headaches
  • Muscle Tension Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Myofascial Trigger Point Headaches
  • Site-Of-Impact Headaches
  • Drug-Induced Headaches (following excessive or prolonged analgesic use)

Issues faced by friends and family of the suicidal

Issues faced by friends and family of the suicidal: A study focusing on the family and friends of people who were suicidal has highlighted the main challenges they face when trying to judge whether a person is in danger and decide what they should do about it.

Exposure to chemical BPA before birth linked to behavioral, emotional difficulties in girls

Exposure to chemical BPA before birth linked to behavioral, emotional difficulties in girls: Exposure in the womb to bisphenol A (BPA) -- a chemical used to make plastic containers and other consumer goods -- is associated with behavior and emotional problems in young girls, according to a new study.

Physical fitness could have a positive effect on eye health

Physical fitness could have a positive effect on eye health: Physical activity may be what the doctor orders to help patients reduce their risk of developing glaucoma. According to a recently published scientific paper, higher levels of physical exercise appear to have a long-term beneficial impact on low ocular perfusion pressure, an important risk factor for glaucoma.

Math disability linked to problem relating quantities to numerals

Math disability linked to problem relating quantities to numerals: Children who start elementary school with difficulty associating small exact quantities of items with the printed numerals that represent those quantities are more likely to develop a math-related learning disability than are their peers, according to a new study.

High fizzy soft drink consumption linked to violence among teens

High fizzy soft drink consumption linked to violence among teens: Teens who drink more than five cans of non-diet, fizzy soft drinks every week are significantly more likely to behave aggressively, new research suggests. This includes carrying a weapon and perpetrating violence against peers and siblings.

Source found for immune system effects on learning, memory

Source found for immune system effects on learning, memory: Immune system cells of the brain, which scavenge pathogens and damaged neurons, are also key players in memory and learning, according to new research by neuroscientists. Earlier studies had shown that laboratory rats experiencing an infection at an early age have an aggressive immune response to subsequent infections, which also harms their learning and memory. In a new study, researchers have identified the source of the learning difficulties and traces it back to the immune system itself.

You are what you eat: Low fat diet with fish oil slows growth of human prostate cancer cells, study suggests

You are what you eat: Low fat diet with fish oil slows growth of human prostate cancer cells, study suggests: A low-fat diet with fish oil supplements eaten for four to six weeks prior to prostate removal slowed down the growth of prostate cancer cells -- the number of rapidly dividing cells -- in human prostate cancer tissue compared to a traditional, high-fat Western diet, according to a new study.

Environmental toxin bisphenol A (BPA) can affect newborn brain, mouse study shows

Environmental toxin bisphenol A (BPA) can affect newborn brain, mouse study shows: Newborn mice that are exposed to bisphenol A (BPA) develop changes in their spontaneous behavior and evince poorer adaptation to new environments, as well hyperactivity as young adults, according to researchers. Their study also revealed that one of the brain’s most important signal systems, the cholinergic signal system, is affected by bisphenol A and that the effect persisted into adulthood.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Calorie count plus points based on added sugars, sodium, and saturated and trans fats recommended as new front-of-package nutrition labeling system

Calorie count plus points based on added sugars, sodium, and saturated and trans fats recommended as new front-of-package nutrition labeling system: Federal agencies should develop a new nutrition rating system with symbols to display on the front of food and beverage packaging that graphically convey calorie counts by serving size and a "point" value showing whether the saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars in the products are below threshold levels. This new front-of-package system should apply to all foods and beverages and replace any other symbols currently being used on the front of packaging, added the committee that wrote the report.

Improved living environments can reduce health problems for women and children

Improved living environments can reduce health problems for women and children: Low-income women with children who moved from high-poverty to lower-poverty neighborhoods experienced notable long-term improvements in aspects of their health; namely, reductions in diabetes and extreme obesity, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Chicago and partner institutions.

High to moderate levels of stress lead to higher mortality rate

High to moderate levels of stress lead to higher mortality rate: A new study concludes that men who experience persistently moderate or high levels of stressful life events over a number of years have a 50 percent higher mortality rate. In general, the researchers found only a few protective factors against these higher levels of stress -- people who self-reported that they had good health tended to live longer and married men also fared better. Moderate drinkers also lived longer than non-drinkers.

Are acid-suppressing drugs prescribed too often in infants?

Are acid-suppressing drugs prescribed too often in infants?: Frequent spitting up, irritability, and unexplained crying in infants can be very distressing to parents. Pediatricians often prescribe acid-suppressing drugs for these symptoms in an effort to treat infants for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); however, GERD is an uncommon cause of these symptoms in otherwise thriving infants. Experts now caution against the over-diagnosis of GERD and over-prescription of acid-suppressing drugs in infants.

Digital worlds can help autistic children to develop social skills

Digital worlds can help autistic children to develop social skills: The benefits of virtual worlds can be used to help autistic children develop social skills beyond their anticipated levels, suggest early findings from new research. Researchers have developed an interactive environment which uses multi-touch screen technology where virtual characters on the screen demonstrate gestures and show children's actions in real time.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body.

More than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy have been identified, each with its own characteristic set of symptoms, pattern of development, and prognosis. Impaired function and symptoms depend on the type of nerves -- motor, sensory, or autonomic -- that are damaged. Some people may experience temporary numbness, tingling, and pricking sensations, sensitivity to touch, or muscle weakness. Others may suffer more extreme symptoms, including burning pain (especially at night), muscle wasting, paralysis, or organ or gland dysfunction. Peripheral neuropathy may be either inherited or acquired. Causes of acquired peripheral neuropathy include physical injury (trauma) to a nerve, tumors, toxins, autoimmune responses, nutritional deficiencies, alcoholism, and vascular and metabolic disorders. Acquired peripheral neuropathies are caused by systemic disease, trauma from external agents, or infections or autoimmune disorders affecting nerve tissue. Inherited forms of peripheral neuropathy are caused by inborn mistakes in the genetic code or by new genetic mutations.

Is there any treatment?

Chiropractic brain based therapy helps in adopting healthy habits -- such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a balanced diet, correcting vitamin deficiencies, and limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption -- can reduce the physical and emotional effects of peripheral neuropathy. Systemic diseases frequently require more complex treatments.
There are therapies for many forms.

Brain injury due to auto/car Accidents

Diffuse Axonal Injury
The brain consists of billions of nerve cells located in the gray matter which communicate with distant nerve cells through long nerve fibers called axons, composing the white matter. Severe sudden twisting or torquing of the brain, as occurs in a sudden acceleration/deceleration - whiplash -- accident, can stretch, twist, and damage these delicate axonal fibers. Under the microscope the axonal damage is called Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI). Although diffuse axonal injury generally results from a severe whiplash injury that renders a patient comatose, recent studies have shown that diffuse axonal injury can also occur - but to a lesser degree -- when there has been only brief loss of consciousness (LOC). Because Diffuse Axonal Injury causes microscopic damage, it cannot be visualized on CT or MRI scans.

A second method of how the brain can be injured in high speed velocity change scenarios (a fall from a great height, high speed car accident) is called “Isotropic Stress.” Whereas diffuse axonal injury involves the deforming or stretching of the brain tissue, resulting in tearing, isotropic stress causes damage through a “pulse” or “pressure wave” that moves through the brain at extraordinarily high speeds. The damage is caused by a sudden change in the density of the inside of an individual brain cell. The instant compression causes damage to the internal structures of the brain cells.

Many of these same types of injuries have been discovered and treated in veterans returning from the Iraq war. They have often been exposed to the proximity blast of explosive charges. The pressure or pulse from the explosion moves through their body and as it move through the brain it causes damage to the cells. Although many of these soldiers look “fine” and have no bleeding, they can and will suffer serious brain injury as a result.

Because of the large number of veterans injured in this way, lots of research is being done on this type of brain injury at the present time and there should be studies available for an update on this new insight into TBI in mid-2008.