Monday, February 27, 2012

What is Personal Injury Protection?

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?

Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.

Why should i get an attorney after an Auto/Car accident for my injuries?

An attorney helps with all aspects of an auto/car accident claim or injury. They keep an individual from spending countless hours on the phone with insurance adjusters that really don't care about your well being. It also helps to keep stress levels down and allow you to concentrate on recovery and getting well. Our office only works with the best attorneys/lawyers in Dallas/Fort Worth. We have learned through trial and error, who best takes care of our patients. They also make sure that all your medical bills are settled. This allows you to be additionally stress and medical bill free at the end. We also help those who are not able to treat in our office, who are in need of an attorney. We are here to help!!! So don't hesitate in calling and making an appointment to get examined and also ask about scheduling a free consultation with a reputable attorney. You only have one body, so you need to take care of it. Call Today!!!

What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?

Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.

Mercury insurance: Kind and Generous?

This individual handled her case on her own and it was a nightmare. Let us help you get well and help you take the headache out of this situation and set you up with a reputable attorney, so you can focus on getting well.


Jennifer Evans Gardner: Mercury: Kind and Generous

Mercury Insurance is so generous.

On Tuesday, California voters will get the chance to vote on Prop 17, which Mercury, out of the goodness of their hearts, has spent some $10 million on. Those crazy kids. All to save us money. 

Unless you live under a rock, you've heard about this initiative, which if passed, will allow insurance companies to raise premiums on drivers who, for any reason, didn't have insurance coverage at some point in the past five years. They're calling it a "loyalty discount."

Well, duh, you say. Mercury doesn't want to save us money. 

But it's not just Prop 17... Mercury doesn't appear to like paying legitimate claims either. I would know. I'm a Mercury insured.

Two years ago, I was rear-ended by another Mercury insured while sitting at a stop sign, an accident that resulted in a neck injury. No problem, I thought. Two civilized individuals, both insured by the same company - why would there be a problem? I got my car repaired, then contacted Mercury to let them know they needed only to reimburse my out-of-pocket medical expenses - nothing else.

Know what they said?

The generous folks at Mercury offered me about half of what I had paid out of pocket. In other words, I would only have to pay a few thousand dollars for being rear-ended. Lucky me! 

Wait a minute... isn't that what insurance is for, I asked? Why do I make those monthly payments, if not to keep from going into debt in case of an accident? Apparently not. Even though I had gone to my doctor of 25 years, a reputable physician in Beverly Hills, in their eyes, I had "over-treated," so I was out of luck.

I had a choice. I could accept their offer and eat the difference, or I could sue them. However, with some research, I discovered countless similar complaints... it seemed that this was actually a pattern with Mercury; and that if I did venture to sue them, I would likely spend years in depositions and a trial, not something I had the time or the patience for.

In a phone interview, Naomi Seligman, Director of Public Affairs for Consumer Watchdog, a non-partisan consumer advocate organization, said, "there are hundreds of complaints lodged against Mercury for everything from discrimination to trying to weasel customers out of claims money." I was hardly unique.
I decided to sue them in small claims court. 
I know what you're thinking. You can't sue an insurance company in small claims court! True. But if you sue their insured, Mercury will send a representative. Not for you, silly -- for the other guy.

Of course, small claims court is for quick, no-frills citizen vs. citizen hearings; however, Mercury found a loophole. In fact, the Mercury representative in my case seemed to know a lot of folks at the courthouse, and admitted to the defendant that he was "a regular."

My "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" (or "Ms. Evans-Gardner Goes to Van Nuys") moment was a proud one. I showed up in court with a thick file of color-coded exhibits, my witnesses, and a kick-ass closing argument, if I do say so myself. I greeted the defendant, apologizing for having to drag him into court. He was cordial, but embarrassed. An insured driver, he would have also hoped to avoid such a situation.

A Mercury rep, holding an official-looking briefcase, stuck out his hand with a big smile. "Good morning, I am Mr. S, here from Mercury Insurance on behalf of Mr. X." "Oh, good morning," I replied. "Are you here for me, too?"

He looked puzzled. "You?" he smirked.

"Well, I'm your insured, too." I looked around the room. "Is there a Mercury guy for me?" He looked flustered. "Gosh," I said. "Could there be a conflict of interest?"

He proceeded to advise me, kindly, mind you, that I had little chance of winning and suggested I accept their settlement. "No, thank you," I answered politely.

"I see you have your husband and son here," said Mercury Man. Well, yes, I explained. Not only were they witnesses, but this was also a teaching moment for my 12 year-old. I looked him straight in the eye, adding, "I want my son to see that when someone tries to take advantage of you, you stand up for yourself." He sputtered something about how, as a parent, he appreciated that. I wondered how his parental ethics figured into bullying a victim into paying for her injuries.

To make a long story short, my Perry Mason moment never happened. The commissioner simply looked at the evidence and awarded me the maximum amount, plus court fees.

In other words, I beat Mercury's scrawny ass.

All I had to do was sit back and wait for my check, right? Wrong. It didn't come. I couldn't believe it. Could Mercury really be so bold as to violate a Superior Court order? 
I called Darrel Ng, Press Secretary for the California State Department of Insurance, who said, "Mercury has been fined $500,000 in the past five years for claims handling practices, among other things." Guess they don't mind breaking a few rules.

Meanwhile, $500,000 over five years? That's just $100,000 per year, a downright bargain for Mercury, whose profits were reported at over $400 million last year. 

Turns out, Mercury isn't all that generous after all. Spending millions to save us money? That's a good one. The question is: how many voters will they fool with their misleading ads and ballot language?
I finally received my check the other day, exactly two years after the accident, and though my neck still hurts, that's a load off my mind. By the way, I'm shopping for a new auto insurance company... any suggestions?


Half of the approximate 7 million non-major head injuries occurring annually in the US are estimated to be caused by motor vehicle accidents (MVA's). These head injuries, although mostly mild, give rise to an assortment of symptoms and events and frequently affect higher levels of cognition and personality. Symptoms include:
  • headache
  • scalp pain and hypersensitivity
  • blurred vision
  • balance and coordination impairments
  • memory impairment
  • language and task handling difficulties
  • slowed reaction times
  • ringing of in the ears
  • reduced attention span and patience
  • earlier fatigue and mental stamina
  • sleep disturbances

Unfortunately, symptoms continue to persist in some victims leading to a condition known as "Chronic Postconcussion Syndrome". (note: a concussion is a loss of consciousness or lessening of mental processes following a direct or indirect head trauma)

Another interesting point to note is the paradoxicalness of headaches following head trauma. Recent evidence suggests that relatively minor head injuries seem to result in more severe headaches than the more severe head injuries. For more on headaches, see "Headaches".

Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the cause of many patients who limp, hobble or even crawl in to our office. It’s not surprising to learn that Low back pain results in millions of dollars of lost work and untold suffering every day.
Low back pain usually falls in to one of the following categories:

1. Patients have experienced chronic long term pain or discomfort with multiple episodes of increased pain which come and go.
Many of these people either cover the pain with OTC or prescription medications, or decide to just live with it. The problem is that all medications have both short and long term side effects. Only in rare cases should this be considered as a long term treatment option to this typically correctable problem.
As far as just living with the pain, two areas must be considered.
First, pain is NOT normal, so there IS something wrong. Ignoring it or just dealing with it allows the condition to progress undiagnosed and untreated. Lastly, why live with it and the effects it can have on your QUALITY of life, if you don't have to.

2. These patients are the limpers, hobblers and crawlers. Their pain started all at once and hit hard and fast. We typically hear something like "I just reached down to pick up a book and my back went out." Another common statement goes something like "I have never had low back pain before."
This type of condition can stop even the most determined and tough individual in their tracks and literally bring them to their knees. This can be a very scary time for those who have never experienced this before.
Typically our spinal examination reveals long time trauma or misalignment of the Lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum or the hips. The body has gotten to a point where it is overcome by these conditions and literally stops functioning properly.

NOTE: There are a number of causes of low back pain. Most who seek out our office fall into the category of Chiropractic care to fix the CAUSE of the problem. We have great success with these patients. Occasionally, we find that the problem is not musculo-skeletal related and in these cases, they are referred to to another type of Doctor who specializes in their particular condition.

The Docs at North Dallas Chiropractic

Auto/Car Accidents and whiplash and the Necessity of Chiropractic Care

One of the most stressful events in life is dealing with the issues that occur after an auto accident. The first thing a person thinks about after the crash is the car. Most people are not aware that some injuries are not detected for months or even years. Two things result in these situations: an insurance company settles with the victim without compensating for the pain and treatment needed from these undiagnosed injuries, and the injury gets worse over time due to the lack or delay of treatment. It is absolutely imperative that anybody that is in an auto accident immediately go see a Doctor trained in soft tissue injuries. While whiplash is a common injury from auto accidents, another common complaint of crash victims is that they don’t “feel like their normal selves.” They may also experience other symptoms like dizziness, blurry vision, headaches, back pain, muscle stiffness or spasms, neck pain, numbness and tingling, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, irritability, memory loss and difficulty concentrating.
Auto accidents can also cause post-traumatic osteoarthritis. This can damage your posture (producing a slumped or hump back appearance). Osteoarthritis can also cause the discs in the spine to degenerate and create scar tissue formation leading to chronic stiffness.
According to the Insurance Research Council, nearly 1/3 of all claimants injured in motor vehicle accidents seek treatment from doctors of chiropractic. That number is astounding when combined with the fact that the National Safety Council (NSC) has determined there to be more than 12 million accidents annually involving more than 20 million vehicles.
The reason people choose chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in auto accidents is simple – chiropractic care is exceptional in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with these events are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it’s only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice. Chiropractors are the primary care doctors trained specifically in dealing with injuries to the spine.
Much research has also found people injured in auto accidents prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study* evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.
One major concern individuals that have lived through the experience of an auto accident should be aware of is most medical doctors are not trained to detect the type of soft tissue or joint injury that does not show itself immediately. It is imperative that people involved in auto accidents consult with a doctor who is trained in the biomechanics of the human body; someone who treats these injuries every day.
Often, passengers can be hurt more than a driver, especially if it is a side wreck or T-bone. Children can suffer the same injuries as adults and should be given the same care despite a feeling by the parent that a child can’t be “that injured” if no bones are broken or there is no bruising to the skin.  Put it this way:  if damage was done to a vehicle that actually bentmetal, the people inside the vehicle surely absorbed that force as well.
Due to our bodies producing adrenaline at the time of an accident, this hormone acts like a natural pain killer and allows us to muster the courage to move through the impact and “take care of business”.  As mentioned above, it is often days or weeks later that the full impact of the crash is felt.  A trained doctor of chiropractic can be a brilliant source of diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue and joint injuries.
In addition, x-rays or MRI (if indicated) will be used to check for any structural damage. In our office, we routinely evaluate auto accident victims and make any appropriate referrals to other health care providers if necessary. Our primary responsibility is providing the proper care and submitting the required medical reports to the insurance company or attorney (if one is involved) so the rights of the patient are protected.
If we can’t help the patient, we will refer them to a doctor or facility that can. If you have been in an auto accident recently, there are some important decisions you have to make, and it is critical to make the first decision be to be evaluated by a doctor of chiropractic and get under care immediately.

What do I do if I was involved in a Car/Auto accident?!


Unfortunately, studies show that most of us will be in an auto accident at some point in our lives. The only question remaining, is how bad will it be?
The following are important things to remember if you are involved in an auto accident:

1. Seek treatment as soon as possible.
If there is a chance you may be seriously hurt, you should go to the Emergency room at your local hospital. There they can rule out fractures and life threatening injuries.

2. If you are still experiencing pain and discomfort a few days to a couple weeks later, than you should come to our office to find out if you have any structural damage.
NOTE: The longer you wait after an accident to come to our office, typically the longer it takes to get you better.

3. Most auto insurance companies have what is calledPersonal injury Protection/Med Pay. This means that your bills will be paid up to 100% up to a certain limit. Our office can check that for you.

4. If the accident was not your fault. The other party's auto insurance should cover your health care expenses in our office. We do all of the paperwork for you.

5. At the accident scene, get as much information on the other driver or drivers as possible. An accident report by Police is always helpful, but not required to have a case.

6. You should never settle with an insurance company before you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.

7.Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult after an auto accident. We have a number of reputable and highly qualified Attorneys who we can refer you to for a complimentary consultation. Hiring a reputable Attorney essentially takes you out of the direct bargaining process with the insurance company and all the paperwork and phone calls associated with that and lets you concentrate on healing.

8. Injuries sustained after a car-accident if left untreated can lead to spinal degeneration and a host of other problems for years to come.
FINAL NOTE: We find that many people involved in an auto accident that WAS THEIR FAULT never get treatment.
This tends to be due to the fear that their insurance will go up after a claim is filed.
Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is why you have auto insurance in the first place.
Many insurance companies will not raise your rates after 1 or even 2 accidents in the same year.


Call our office today at (972) 215-7720.

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Peripheral neuropathy describes damage to the peripheral nervous system, which transmits information from the brain and spinal cord to every other part of the body.

More than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy have been identified, each with its own characteristic set of symptoms, pattern of development, and prognosis. Impaired function and symptoms depend on the type of nerves -- motor, sensory, or autonomic -- that are damaged. Some people may experience temporary numbness, tingling, and pricking sensations, sensitivity to touch, or muscle weakness. Others may suffer more extreme symptoms, including burning pain (especially at night), muscle wasting, paralysis, or organ or gland dysfunction. Peripheral neuropathy may be either inherited or acquired. Causes of acquired peripheral neuropathy include physical injury (trauma) to a nerve, tumors, toxins, autoimmune responses, nutritional deficiencies, alcoholism, and vascular and metabolic disorders. Acquired peripheral neuropathies are caused by systemic disease, trauma from external agents, or infections or autoimmune disorders affecting nerve tissue. Inherited forms of peripheral neuropathy are caused by inborn mistakes in the genetic code or by new genetic mutations.

Is there any treatment?

Chiropractic brain based therapy helps in adopting healthy habits -- such as maintaining optimal weight, avoiding exposure to toxins, following a physician-supervised exercise program, eating a balanced diet, correcting vitamin deficiencies, and limiting or avoiding alcohol consumption -- can reduce the physical and emotional effects of peripheral neuropathy. Systemic diseases frequently require more complex treatments.
There are therapies for many forms.

Closed Head Injury

A closed head injury is a trauma in which the brain is injured as a result of a blow to the head, or a sudden, violent motion that causes the brain to knock against the skull. A closed head injury is different from an open head injury, in that no object actually penetrates the brain. Closed head injuries can be diffuse, meaning that they affect cells and tissues throughout the brain; or focal, meaning that the damage occurs in one area. Closed head injuries can range from mild to severe.
Causes of Closed Head Injury

Common causes of closed head injury include automobile accidents, assault, falls, work-related accidents, and sports-related accidents.
Symptoms of Closed Head Injury

Symptoms of severe closed head injury usually present themselves immediately, while symptoms of mild head injury can show up days or even weeks after an injury. Symptoms include:

* Loss of consciousness
* Dilated pupils
* Respiratory issues
* Convulsions
* Headache
* Dizziness
* Nausea and vomiting
* Cerebrospinal fluid leaking from nose or ears
* Speech and language problems
* Vision issues
* Emotional and behavioral changes

Prognosis of Closed Head Injury

Degree and rate of recovery is highly dependent upon individual circumstances. The amount of time spent unconscious or in a coma, as well as how much of normal activity is recovered within the first month, are good indicators of long-term recovery.

Take this Quick Self Test


Below, you will find our QUICK SELF TEST but first, let’s talk about PAIN.


PAIN when looked at from the outside-in is a great tool to understanding what’s wrong with our body. 
Pain is nothing more than a warning sign from your body saying there is something wrong that needs fixing. Our society has been taught to do the following in regards to pain: 

1. Wait and hope it goes away or think maybe I slept wrong, or "over-did it" a little at the gym, work or around the house.

2. Try OTC pain medications such as aspirin and ibuprophen or ice, heat and Massage.

3. Seek STRONGER prescribed PAIN MEDS and maybe some Anti-inflammatory drugs.

4. Start to think about why we are in pain in the first place.

Next is the visit to our office, where we focus on finding the CAUSE of your pain.
As the cause is addressed, the symptoms or warning signs from your body i.e.: pain, numbness, tingling etc. should start to decrease as your body realizes a return towards health and away from crisis.
Tooth pain that is ignored, or covered up with drugs does not change the fact that there is probably destruction in your tooth. The longer you wait, the worse it gets and the harder it is to fix. The same is true with your spine.

Pain is the best ALARM system known to mankind. It is not to be ignored, or lived with for very long before damage to the body has begun.
We would be happy to evaluate your current health status and find the CAUSE of your pain or discomfort.


{ } I have pain that I was hoping would go away, but hasn't.

{ } I have had this condition for a long time.

{ } I "over-did" it on the weekend and it’s not getting better.

{ } I realize that this is not normal.

{ } I must take pain medications or anti-inflammatories to ease my pain.

{ } I have just learned to deal with the pain.

{ } I have had surgery and still have pain.

{ } I have had an MRI or CT and have disc problems.

{ } I have been told that I may have a pinched nerve.

{ } I have tried everything and nothing works for long.

{ } I am concerned that if I don't do something, it will continue to get worse.

{ } My pain disturbs my sleep.

{ } I would be a happier and healthier person if I felt better.

{ } I want to feel better.

{ } I will change my Life.



{X} Pain is a warning sign from your body that something is wrong.

{X} Chronic pain can be a sign of long term degeneration of vital body systems. Ignoring your symptoms does not address the cause of your problem.

{X} Weakened areas of your body can be easily triggered by weekend activities. It was the LAST STRAW that broke the Camel’s back.

{X} Long-term use of medication has many side effects and does not address the CAUSE of your symptoms.

{X} Just dealing with the pain is not living life to the fullest and the condition can continue to progress.

{X} We have many pre and post surgery patients who experience relief.

{X} Many patients come to us with disc problems and are amazed at what we can do for them.

{X} If you have a pinched nerve, then you need Chiropractic care.

{X} If you have not been to our office, then you have not tried everything.

{X} Chronic pain tends to only get worse if the cause of the symptoms is not corrected.

{X} We all need to get a proper amount of sleep. Any interference makes it that much harder for your body to heal.

{X} you will be happier and healthier if you feel better.


What is Personal Injury Protection?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.

Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.

What is PIP?

PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.

What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?

Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.

Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?

Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.