Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance
carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at
least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you
reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even
know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up
paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re
entitled to.
Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent
and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident.
Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to
make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and
bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.
What is PIP?
PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto
policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is
available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of
the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and
no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the
other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you
could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state
besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk
by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.
What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?
Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance
carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month
period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a
sole PIP claim.
Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There
is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical
expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind
that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance,
you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the
health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could
request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical
provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid
months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of
medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and
quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP
coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your
pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you
and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.
Auto Accident, Wellness, and Whiplash Treatment Specialists Call Today!! 972-559-4301
Monday, August 5, 2013
There's still hope even if the Auto/Car Accident was your fault!
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Essentially, it
will cost you nothing!
Like any other health care service, care is covered completely under
the "medical benefits" section of your automobile insurance policy. All
fees for this evaluation and treatment will be sent directly to your
auto insurance company (or the person-at-fault's) for payment,
alleviating any direct financial burden to you. In some cases there is
both coverages that will further help to relieve any financial burden on
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Yes, they can. However, diagnosing motor
vehicle accident injuries are best left to a chiropractor.
Chiropractors are trained to detect abnormal biomechanics of the
musculoskeletal system that can lead to arthritis. Most agencies have a
medical doctor on staff to insure that a more serious injury (such as
a fracture) has not occurred, and to ensure that it is safe for you
to engage in a program of physical rehab therapy that will follow. If
necessary, medication may be prescribed.
You should have the most comprehensive treatment available in the healthcare community in one location. In the majority of cases, a chiropractic and medical physician will both document and report your injury.
You should have the most comprehensive treatment available in the healthcare community in one location. In the majority of cases, a chiropractic and medical physician will both document and report your injury.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Medications may mask the pain for a few
hours, but they do not aid your body's ability to heal itself, and may
hinder the healing process. Medications cannot correct the soft tissue
damage that is caused by auto accidents. If you are only taking pills,
irritated nerves will continue to cause pain, suffering, and the
problems listed earlier. Therefore, the adverse effects of your
injuries will continue to plague you until you seek treatment. In
certain situations we will prescribe medication; however, pain
medications alone will only mask the symptoms and not treat the
problem. They should be utilized to decrease
your pain during the treatment process and allow you to give maximum
effort to getting better in the office. Our pain management doctor will
aid us in your journey to get better.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Fortunately, health problems caused by
automobile accidents can be relieved or eliminated through a proper
program of restorative chiropractic care and physical rehab therapy.
The goal is to restore your spine to its condition prior to your Motor
Vehicle Accident. Many patients report that treatment has removed
many of their aches and pains that they had before their injury, which
their accident aggravated. Treatments can provide not only pain
relief, but also long term correction. This approach minimizes the
chance of spinal or nerve problems returning months or years later.
Your body, especially your head and neck, have likely suffered stress and trauma as a result of the collision. Here are some of the positive benefits to be gained from our program of restorative chiropractic care and physical rehab therapy.
Your body, especially your head and neck, have likely suffered stress and trauma as a result of the collision. Here are some of the positive benefits to be gained from our program of restorative chiropractic care and physical rehab therapy.
- Prevention of arthritis
- Relief from head and neck pain
- Stronger, more flexible muscles
- Increased nerve supply to all areas of your body
- Increased athletic ability
- Decreased chance of re-injury
- Increased overall health
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
A delay in the onset of pain is also
extremely common, and is very well documented in the scientific
literature. In addition, due to joint injuries, auto accidents can
cause posttraumatic osteoarthritis. For those that have been in a
traumatic accident, the arthritic process often develops much more
quickly (at an earlier age) than in people who have not experienced
auto accident trauma.
Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) tends to cause pain on a daily basis and is progressive. Over time, it can ruin your posture (giving you a slumped or humped back appearance), limit your pain-free range of motion, and make it difficult to participate in many enjoyable activities.
Osteoarthritis involves the discs and other tissues of your spine and leads to progressive symptoms including chronic stiffness, pain, inability to perform simple tasks comfortably, including walking, sitting, sleeping, and/or moving the joints in your arms and legs. Even simply turning your head to one side or the other can be extremely painful, or even impossible.
When you injure yourself, your body will compensate for the injured area by trying to guard it. This puts pressure on other parts of your body to help stabilize your spine and keep you upright as much as possible. This pressure is the tightening of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments opposite the injured area, which pulls the joints of the spine out of alignment and puts painful pressure on the nerves in your back and neck.
If not treated properly, this frequently causes a "domino effect" that leads to progressive musculoskeletal imbalance as well as the associated arthritic complications described above.
Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis) tends to cause pain on a daily basis and is progressive. Over time, it can ruin your posture (giving you a slumped or humped back appearance), limit your pain-free range of motion, and make it difficult to participate in many enjoyable activities.
Osteoarthritis involves the discs and other tissues of your spine and leads to progressive symptoms including chronic stiffness, pain, inability to perform simple tasks comfortably, including walking, sitting, sleeping, and/or moving the joints in your arms and legs. Even simply turning your head to one side or the other can be extremely painful, or even impossible.
When you injure yourself, your body will compensate for the injured area by trying to guard it. This puts pressure on other parts of your body to help stabilize your spine and keep you upright as much as possible. This pressure is the tightening of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments opposite the injured area, which pulls the joints of the spine out of alignment and puts painful pressure on the nerves in your back and neck.
If not treated properly, this frequently causes a "domino effect" that leads to progressive musculoskeletal imbalance as well as the associated arthritic complications described above.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
There has been a great deal of research
done over the last several years, which proves that injury, can and
does occur in low impact collisions. The most common of these injuries
is "whiplash". When low-speed crash tests were performed with sudden
changes in vehicle speed of only 2.5 mph, 29% of occupants experienced
symptoms of neck or back injury, while a sudden change in speed of 5
mph resulted in 38% of occupants being injured.
Automobile bumpers are built to the government standard of being able to withstand a 5 mph crash without damage. These standards are not related to the safety of the occupant, but are to protect and limit the damage to the bumpers, keeping the cost of repair to a minimum. Many times, vehicles can sustain an impact at 8-9 mph before there is recognizable damage. This varies by car model as each manufacturer has a different method for building bumpers. Some cars are made more sturdy than the more newer vehicles. The point is that when the bumper (and other metal) doesn't crumple and absorb the force of the impact, more of that force is transferred directly to the occupant of the vehicle.
Whiplash injuries are often caused by rear-end collisions, and frequently by collisions from other angles. A tremendous volume of research has been conducted to determine the amount and extent of these injuries. Because these injuries are not usually life threatening, the insurance industry, your spouse/family/friends, and even many doctors really do not understand the ordeal that you are suffering through.
After your accident, you may have experienced severe or moderate pain, or no pain at all. Surprisingly, most auto injuries are hidden and seldom detected for months, or even years. Often, the initial pain subsides, only to return full-blown later. Soft tissue injuries (injuries to muscles, ligaments, and discs) caused by auto accidents can be very deceiving. Soft tissue injuries heal with scar tissue and don't always cause pain immediately, but the damage done to your spine can lead to the following problems:
Documented studies done by Charles Carroll, M.D., Paul McAtee, M.D., and Lee Riley, M.D., revealed that:
"The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants."
In other words, the damage to the passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage of the vehicle. Studies have shown that damage can occur to a driver/passenger at vehicle collision speeds of less than 5 miles per hour (4.87 miles per hour to be exact) and the subjects tested in this study were healthy young males!
Automobile bumpers are built to the government standard of being able to withstand a 5 mph crash without damage. These standards are not related to the safety of the occupant, but are to protect and limit the damage to the bumpers, keeping the cost of repair to a minimum. Many times, vehicles can sustain an impact at 8-9 mph before there is recognizable damage. This varies by car model as each manufacturer has a different method for building bumpers. Some cars are made more sturdy than the more newer vehicles. The point is that when the bumper (and other metal) doesn't crumple and absorb the force of the impact, more of that force is transferred directly to the occupant of the vehicle.
Whiplash injuries are often caused by rear-end collisions, and frequently by collisions from other angles. A tremendous volume of research has been conducted to determine the amount and extent of these injuries. Because these injuries are not usually life threatening, the insurance industry, your spouse/family/friends, and even many doctors really do not understand the ordeal that you are suffering through.
After your accident, you may have experienced severe or moderate pain, or no pain at all. Surprisingly, most auto injuries are hidden and seldom detected for months, or even years. Often, the initial pain subsides, only to return full-blown later. Soft tissue injuries (injuries to muscles, ligaments, and discs) caused by auto accidents can be very deceiving. Soft tissue injuries heal with scar tissue and don't always cause pain immediately, but the damage done to your spine can lead to the following problems:
- Recurring headaches
- Neck pain and stiffness
- Numbness, tingling, or pain in the arms or hands
- Chronic muscle tension and spasm
- Low back pain
- Spinal disc degeneration
- Painful, inflamed arthritis
- Sore, tight, inflexible muscles
- Decreased athletic ability
- Greater chance of re-injury
- Poor posture
Documented studies done by Charles Carroll, M.D., Paul McAtee, M.D., and Lee Riley, M.D., revealed that:
"The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants."
In other words, the damage to the passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage of the vehicle. Studies have shown that damage can occur to a driver/passenger at vehicle collision speeds of less than 5 miles per hour (4.87 miles per hour to be exact) and the subjects tested in this study were healthy young males!
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Medications may mask the pain for a few
hours, but they do not aid your body's ability to heal itself, and may
hinder the healing process. Medications cannot correct the soft tissue
damage that is caused by auto accidents. If you are only taking pills,
irritated nerves will continue to cause pain, suffering, and the
problems listed earlier. Therefore, the adverse effects of your
injuries will continue to plague you until you seek treatment. In
certain situations we will prescribe medication; however, pain
medications alone will only mask the symptoms and not treat the
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
It's recommended that you do not settle
your case before a thorough evaluation by our office. If you settle
before your injury is fully diagnosed and treated, you will be
responsible for any medical bills you incur in the future. In most
cases it is best to consult an attorney if the insurance company is
hurrying you to settle. Our office can also help you find a qualified
attorney. We have a number of reputable and highly qualified auto accident attorney who we can refer you to for a complimentary consultation.
Our office will write detailed reports to insurance companies to assure that your claim will be effectively documented during your treatment.
It is important that you do not cash any checks that the insurance sends to your home. In many cases, this will release them from any further liability in your care and you will be personally responsible for your medical bills.
Our office will write detailed reports to insurance companies to assure that your claim will be effectively documented during your treatment.
It is important that you do not cash any checks that the insurance sends to your home. In many cases, this will release them from any further liability in your care and you will be personally responsible for your medical bills.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
At most health centers, chiropractic
care and physical rehab therapy are the foundation of treatment;
however, ultrasound, interferential current stimulation, traction, and
rehabilitation are also used.
If your problem is lower back related, go to a centre that utilizes the DRS System, a proven effective, non-surgical low back pain treatment. The staff also includes a Medical Pain Management Specialist a, providing you with the most comprehensive treatment available. They also work with other health care professionals in the medical community and if we can't help you, a referral will be made.
If your problem is lower back related, go to a centre that utilizes the DRS System, a proven effective, non-surgical low back pain treatment. The staff also includes a Medical Pain Management Specialist a, providing you with the most comprehensive treatment available. They also work with other health care professionals in the medical community and if we can't help you, a referral will be made.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Absolutely not. The treatments are very gentle and quite relaxing. Most patients look forward to their appointments.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
For a personal evaluation and
consultation, call North Dallas Chiropractic or Irving Rehab and
Wellness and ask to schedule an appointment. In most cases, you can be
seen the same day. The sooner you receive treatment following your
accident, the better your body will respond to restorative care. You
will be glad you did!
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Correlating Crash Severity with Injury Risk, Injury Severity, and Long-term Symptoms in Low Velocity Motor Vehicle Collisions
Medical Science Monitor
October 2005; 11(10): RA316-321
Arthur C. Croft and Michael D. Freeman
These authors note: In the mid-1990s, a set of guidelines was published by a leading U.S. auto insurer instructing claims adjusters that injury claims resulting from motor vehicle crashes with less that $1,000 US in claimant's vehicle property are "unlikely to — or cannot cause significant or permanent injury" and should "be handled as a fraudulent claim," regardless of medical evidence of injury. The "claim goal was to close without payment."
The MIST (minor impact soft tissue) protocol uses vehicle property damage as a construct for injury, and all injury claims less than $1,000 US of vehicle property damage are considered to be false.
These authors "conducted a comprehensive best evidence synthesis of the existing medical and engineering literature to investigate the relationship between vehicular structural damage and occupant injury in motor vehicle crashes."
The key points noted in this article include:
October 2005; 11(10): RA316-321
Arthur C. Croft and Michael D. Freeman
These authors note: In the mid-1990s, a set of guidelines was published by a leading U.S. auto insurer instructing claims adjusters that injury claims resulting from motor vehicle crashes with less that $1,000 US in claimant's vehicle property are "unlikely to — or cannot cause significant or permanent injury" and should "be handled as a fraudulent claim," regardless of medical evidence of injury. The "claim goal was to close without payment."
The MIST (minor impact soft tissue) protocol uses vehicle property damage as a construct for injury, and all injury claims less than $1,000 US of vehicle property damage are considered to be false.
These authors "conducted a comprehensive best evidence synthesis of the existing medical and engineering literature to investigate the relationship between vehicular structural damage and occupant injury in motor vehicle crashes."
The key points noted in this article include:
A substantial number of injuries are reported in crashes of little or no property damage.
Property damage is an unreliable predictor of injury risk or outcome in low velocity crashes!
95% of rear impact injury crashes occur below 25 mph.
Rear-end collision injury severity and duration can be reduced with a head restraint closer to the occupant's head.
Well-done studies documented cases of injury with "almost no vehicle damage."
There is "no statistically significant associations between crash severity and the 6-month injury status."!
"Persons who were unaware of the impending crash were significantly more likely to have persistent symptoms."
statistically significant relationships existed between measures
of crash severity in terms of calculated velocity change or maximum
deformation and long-term symptoms."
There are no significant correlations between crash severity and long-term symptoms.
There is a substantial injury risk in frontal and rear impact low speed crashes without sustaining appreciable vehicle damage.
seems clear that property damage in low velocity motor
vehicle crashes does not provide a reliable means of assessing the
validity of injury claims and, provides no reliable means of
prognosticating long term outcome."
substantial number of injuries are reported in crashes of
severities that are unlikely to result in significant property damage."
"Property damage is neither a valid predictor of acute injury risk nor of symptom duration."
upon our best evidence synthesis, the level of vehicle
property damage appears to be an invalid construct for injury
presence, severity, or duration."
"The MIST protocol for prediction of injury does not appear to be valid."
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
studies show that most of us will be in an auto accident at some point
in our lives. The only question remaining, is how bad will it be?
The following are important things to remember if you are involved in an auto accident:
1. Seek treatment as soon as possible.
If there is a chance you may be seriously hurt, you should go to the Emergency room at your local hospital. There they can rule out fractures and life threatening injuries.
2. If you are still experiencing pain and discomfort a few days to a couple weeks later, than you should come to our office to find out if you have any structural damage.
NOTE: The longer you wait after an accident to come to our office, typically the longer it takes to get you better.
3. Most auto insurance companies have what is calledPersonal injury Protection/Med Pay. This means that your bills will be paid up to 100% up to a certain limit. Our office can check that for you.
4. If the accident was not your fault. The other party's auto insurance should cover your health care expenses in our office. We do all of the paperwork for you.
5. At the accident scene, get as much information on the other driver or drivers as possible. An accident report by Police is always helpful, but not required to have a case.
6. You should never settle with an insurance company before you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.
7.Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult after an auto accident. We have a number of reputable and highly qualified Attorneys who we can refer you to for a complimentary consultation. Hiring a reputable Attorney essentially takes you out of the direct bargaining process with the insurance company and all the paperwork and phone calls associated with that and lets you concentrate on healing.
8. Injuries sustained after a car-accident if left untreated can lead to spinal degeneration and a host of other problems for years to come.
FINAL NOTE: We find that many people involved in an auto accident that WAS THEIR FAULT never get treatment.
This tends to be due to the fear that their insurance will go up after a claim is filed.
Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is why you have auto insurance in the first place.
Many insurance companies will not raise your rates after 1 or even 2 accidents in the same year.
Call our office today at (972) 215-7720.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.
Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.
What is PIP?
PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.
What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?
Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.
Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.
The following are important things to remember if you are involved in an auto accident:
1. Seek treatment as soon as possible.
If there is a chance you may be seriously hurt, you should go to the Emergency room at your local hospital. There they can rule out fractures and life threatening injuries.
2. If you are still experiencing pain and discomfort a few days to a couple weeks later, than you should come to our office to find out if you have any structural damage.
NOTE: The longer you wait after an accident to come to our office, typically the longer it takes to get you better.
3. Most auto insurance companies have what is calledPersonal injury Protection/Med Pay. This means that your bills will be paid up to 100% up to a certain limit. Our office can check that for you.
4. If the accident was not your fault. The other party's auto insurance should cover your health care expenses in our office. We do all of the paperwork for you.
5. At the accident scene, get as much information on the other driver or drivers as possible. An accident report by Police is always helpful, but not required to have a case.
6. You should never settle with an insurance company before you have had us evaluate your injury for you. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will be completely on your own and will have to pay out of pocket for your care.
7.Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult after an auto accident. We have a number of reputable and highly qualified Attorneys who we can refer you to for a complimentary consultation. Hiring a reputable Attorney essentially takes you out of the direct bargaining process with the insurance company and all the paperwork and phone calls associated with that and lets you concentrate on healing.
8. Injuries sustained after a car-accident if left untreated can lead to spinal degeneration and a host of other problems for years to come.
FINAL NOTE: We find that many people involved in an auto accident that WAS THEIR FAULT never get treatment.
This tends to be due to the fear that their insurance will go up after a claim is filed.
Your PIP (Personal Injury Protection) is why you have auto insurance in the first place.
Many insurance companies will not raise your rates after 1 or even 2 accidents in the same year.
Call our office today at (972) 215-7720.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
The Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.
Why? Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.
What is PIP?
PIP is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.
What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?
Under section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.
Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
Medical treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused by the accident.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Neck and Mid Back Pain
Collisions that occur during sporting events, slips, falls or Automobile crashes can all have a damaging effect on your neck and back. Reduction of the normal neck (Cervical) curve, repetitive micro-traumas ie. long hours on the computer, driving in traffic, traveling by car or plane, lifting heavy or awkward objects or constant stress of work, family and everyday life can also be directly related to neck and back pain.
Pain can be dull or sharp, boring or burning, constant or intermittent. As the problem progresses, numbness and or tingling can be felt in the upper back, arms and even in to the hands.
NOTE: Many patients who come in for Carpal Tunnel treatment are amazed to find out that the problem is actually a pinching of the nerves in the neck and NOT a wrist or hand problem.
Through careful evaluation of your neck and upper back, we can pinpoint the problem areas and have great success in correcting the CAUSE of our Patients symptoms.
The Docs at North Dallas Chiropractic
Collisions that occur during sporting events, slips, falls or Automobile crashes can all have a damaging effect on your neck and back. Reduction of the normal neck (Cervical) curve, repetitive micro-traumas ie. long hours on the computer, driving in traffic, traveling by car or plane, lifting heavy or awkward objects or constant stress of work, family and everyday life can also be directly related to neck and back pain.
Pain can be dull or sharp, boring or burning, constant or intermittent. As the problem progresses, numbness and or tingling can be felt in the upper back, arms and even in to the hands.
NOTE: Many patients who come in for Carpal Tunnel treatment are amazed to find out that the problem is actually a pinching of the nerves in the neck and NOT a wrist or hand problem.
Through careful evaluation of your neck and upper back, we can pinpoint the problem areas and have great success in correcting the CAUSE of our Patients symptoms.
The Docs at North Dallas Chiropractic
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
The Texas
Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers in our
state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least $2500 worth of
coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject it in writing.
Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know what it is and
therefore very few people use it. You end up paying for coverage that
they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.
Why? Insurance
is not understood and most people rely on their agent and claims
adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident. Insurance is a
multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make money. They
keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and bonuses at the end
of the year. Good for them and not for you.
What is PIP?
PIP is no fault
coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto policy for your
injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is available
regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of the accident
and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and no co-payment.
There is other separate coverage that will cover the other party if you
were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you could still be covered if
you were in an accident in another state besides Texas. You may also be
covered if you were hit in a crosswalk by a car or on a bicycle or
borrowing someone else’s car.
What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?
Under section
5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance carriers cannot
non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month period. Also, it
is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole PIP claim.
Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a
chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses
leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your
medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may
have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health
insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request to
be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by their
attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or even years
later. Since there are a limited number of medical providers who agree
to this arrangement, your choice and quality of healthcare may be
limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so you will not have to
pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and get the best possible
healthcare treatment available for you and your family’s injuries caused
by the accident. Also, if there is coverage from the other guys
insurance, then this is an added advantage to reduce any out of pocket
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Why should i get an attorney after an Auto/Car accident for my injuries?
attorney helps with all aspects of an auto/car accident claim or
injury. They keep an individual from spending countless hours on the
phone with insurance adjusters that really don't care about your well
being. It also helps to keep stress levels down and allow you to
concentrate on recovery and getting well. Our office only works with the
best attorneys/lawyers in Dallas/Fort Worth. We have learned through
trial and error, who best takes care of our patients. They also make
sure that all your medical bills are settled. This allows you to be
additionally stress and medical bill free at the end. We also help those
who are not able to treat in our office, who are in need of an
attorney. We are here to help!!! So don't hesitate in calling and making
an appointment to get examined and also ask about scheduling a free
consultation with a reputable attorney. You only have one body, so you
need to take care of it. Call Today!!!(972)215-7720
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Soft Tissue Injuries From A Low Impact Auto Accident
low impact auto accident is generally defined as an incident that takes
place at speeds less than 10 miles per hour (mph). This type of
collision usually causes the least amount of damage to the vehicles
involved. Body injuries can result from any accident and that includes
ones that occur with vehicles going less than 10 mph. Soft tissue
injuries are the most common problem for those involved in a low impact
A motor vehicle accident that takes place at speeds between under 10 mph often brings about little visible damage to the cars involved. Sometimes due to the fact that minimal damage was done to vehicle the injuries to the people in the vehicles are overlooked. This does not mean that bodily injury did not occur to the passengers during the crash.
While an automobile is built to take a slow 5 to 10 mph crash that is not necessarily true for your body. In a low impact accident a person’s soft tissue can be damaged.The back and neck are the usual problem spots for soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue is basically a person’s ligaments, tendons and muscles. Soft tissue injuries are typically classified as contusions or bruises, sprains or strains.
A contusion is an injury to the soft tissue caused by blunt force. This force produces pooling of blood around the injury causing discoloring of the skin. This is commonly is referred to as a bruise. Bruising can be found in different shapes and colors.
A sprain is an injury to a ligament often brought about by a wrench or twist. A sprain can be a simple sprain, a partial tear or a complete tear. This can happen to various parts of a person’s body during an accident. It is not uncommon for a person to twist in their seat as a vehicle strikes theirs during the incident.
A strain is an injury to the muscle or tendon caused by overuse, force or stretching. The force of the car crash can push on a person’s soft tissue or cause parts to stretch in an abnormal way.Muscles and tendons support your bones. A strain may cause a partial or complete tear in the muscle and tendon combination.
The neck of a car occupant can whip forward causing the most common rear impact injury known as whiplash. General Motors (GM) did a study regarding crashes at speeds below eight mph. GM found, to no surprise, that injuries do occur at such low speeds. The study also showed that whiplash injuries account for more than half of all injuries connected to vehicular accidents.
Although these types of injuries are characteristically classified as minor nearly 30 percent of those hurt in low speed collisions have reported having neck pain up to three years later. This injury is likely to be worse in those that experienced a rear end collision. Depending on the age of the person this injury could cause a permanent disability.
A motor vehicle can take the force of a low speed collision without showing much damage due to the advances car manufacturers have made in the construction of their vehicles. When a collision does occur the force of the accident pushes inertia somewhere and once the automobile has taken part of that energy away the occupants take the rest. These forces are what can cause people bodily harm even in a crash of below 10 mph.Soft tissue injuries can occur to those involved in a low speed impact and though these injuries might be hard to see they exist.
A motor vehicle accident that takes place at speeds between under 10 mph often brings about little visible damage to the cars involved. Sometimes due to the fact that minimal damage was done to vehicle the injuries to the people in the vehicles are overlooked. This does not mean that bodily injury did not occur to the passengers during the crash.
While an automobile is built to take a slow 5 to 10 mph crash that is not necessarily true for your body. In a low impact accident a person’s soft tissue can be damaged.The back and neck are the usual problem spots for soft tissue injuries. Soft tissue is basically a person’s ligaments, tendons and muscles. Soft tissue injuries are typically classified as contusions or bruises, sprains or strains.
A contusion is an injury to the soft tissue caused by blunt force. This force produces pooling of blood around the injury causing discoloring of the skin. This is commonly is referred to as a bruise. Bruising can be found in different shapes and colors.
A sprain is an injury to a ligament often brought about by a wrench or twist. A sprain can be a simple sprain, a partial tear or a complete tear. This can happen to various parts of a person’s body during an accident. It is not uncommon for a person to twist in their seat as a vehicle strikes theirs during the incident.
A strain is an injury to the muscle or tendon caused by overuse, force or stretching. The force of the car crash can push on a person’s soft tissue or cause parts to stretch in an abnormal way.Muscles and tendons support your bones. A strain may cause a partial or complete tear in the muscle and tendon combination.
The neck of a car occupant can whip forward causing the most common rear impact injury known as whiplash. General Motors (GM) did a study regarding crashes at speeds below eight mph. GM found, to no surprise, that injuries do occur at such low speeds. The study also showed that whiplash injuries account for more than half of all injuries connected to vehicular accidents.
Although these types of injuries are characteristically classified as minor nearly 30 percent of those hurt in low speed collisions have reported having neck pain up to three years later. This injury is likely to be worse in those that experienced a rear end collision. Depending on the age of the person this injury could cause a permanent disability.
A motor vehicle can take the force of a low speed collision without showing much damage due to the advances car manufacturers have made in the construction of their vehicles. When a collision does occur the force of the accident pushes inertia somewhere and once the automobile has taken part of that energy away the occupants take the rest. These forces are what can cause people bodily harm even in a crash of below 10 mph.Soft tissue injuries can occur to those involved in a low speed impact and though these injuries might be hard to see they exist.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
About Auto Injuries
to the Insurance Research Council, nearly 1/3 of all claimants
injured in motor vehicle accidents (MVA's) seek treatment from doctors
of chiropractic. This is an impressive number given that the National
Safety Council (NSC) has determined there to be more than 12 million
MVA's annually involving more than 20 million vehicles.
The reason individuals like yourself choose chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in MVA's is simple - chiropractic care is superior in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with MVA's are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it's only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice.
Many studies have also found individuals injured in MVA's prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.
(Balla JI, Iansek R. Headaches arising from disorders of the cervical spine. In: Hopkins A, ed. Headache: Problems in Diagnosis and Management. London: WB Saunders; 1988.)
The reason individuals like yourself choose chiropractic care for treatment of injuries sustained in MVA's is simple - chiropractic care is superior in the treatment of soft tissue injuries, especially of the spine. Since the most common injuries associated with MVA's are sprains and strains of the spinal muscles and ligaments, it's only natural that chiropractic be the treatment of choice.
Many studies have also found individuals injured in MVA's prefer chiropractic care for the treatment of their injuries. One such study evaluated 190 whiplash injury victims and found those who received chiropractic care reported treatment satisfaction of 100%.
(Balla JI, Iansek R. Headaches arising from disorders of the cervical spine. In: Hopkins A, ed. Headache: Problems in Diagnosis and Management. London: WB Saunders; 1988.)
Time for Symptoms to Present
Symptoms arising from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents were once thought to present immediately following the accident. However, research and clinic experience now demonstrate that a delay of symptom onset seems to be the norm. Also, delay of symptom onset does not eliminate the possibility of severe injury.
Number of Disabilities from Automobile Accidents
Most experts have found that 10 percent of all motor vehicle accident victims become disabled.
Symptom Resolution Statistics
Many studies have found a significant number of individuals to be symptomatic for many months and even years after a motor vehicle accident. In one such study, 75 percent of individuals remained symptomatic 6 months after the accident.
Another study, published in the European Spine Journal, found that during the period of time between the first and second years following a motor vehicle accident over 20 percent actually had their symptoms worsen.
Number of Annual Motor Vehicle Accidents
According to the National Safety Council (NSA), there are more than 12 million motor vehicle accidents annually including more than 20 million vehicles. This results in over 5 million nonfatal accidents annually of which approximately 2 million are disabling injuries including approximately 1 million work-related auto disabling injuries.
Injury Severity in Motor Vehicle Accidents
A 1990 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) study reported found that about 28 percent of occupants in motor vehicle accidents incur minor to moderate injury while 6 percent incur severe to fatal injuries.
Likelihood of being Involved in a Motor Vehicle Accident
The US Department of Transportation estimates that the typical driver will have a near automobile accident one to two times per month and all will be in a collision of some type on average of every 6 years.
Annual Costs of Motor Vehicle Accidents
According to a report released back in 1993, the total costs for motor vehicle accidents in the US was over $333 billion in 1988.
Who Pays for Injuries Sustained in Motor Vehicle Accidents?
According to the Insurance Research Council,
- 63 percent of injuries are paid by the injured individuals own automobile insurance company
- 55 percent of injuries are paid by the auto insurance company of another vehicle
- 36 percent of injuries are paid by health insurance
- 20 percent of injuries are paid by government programs
- 19 percent of injuries are paid workers' compensation insurance
Schedule An Appointment If
you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident you will need to
make an appointment for a brief, but thorough, examination. Often,
individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents experience minimal or no
symptoms for the first few weeks and even months. It's important to
not only receive immediate and appropriate treatment for any injuries
sustained, but also to document the extent of the injuries, if present.
to obtain a timely evaluation or appropriate treatment for injuries
sustained in a motor vehicle accident may negate your ability to
receive monetary compensation for any future medical bills resulting
from the accident, negate your ability to receive pain and suffering
settlements, and negate compensation for work loss.
We Will Determine...
When you come in, we will determine:
Don't Delay, Call Today!
you or someone you know has been involved in an accident, call (or
have them call) our office immediately. The quicker you receive the
care you need, the quicker your injuries will heal and the faster you
can get on with your life. Don't delay, call today!
(972)215-7720 |
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Low Back Pain
back pain is the cause of many patients who limp, hobble or even crawl
in to our office. It’s not surprising to learn that Low back pain
results in millions of dollars of lost work and untold suffering every
Low back pain usually falls in to one of the following categories:
1. Patients have experienced chronic long term pain or discomfort with multiple episodes of increased pain which come and go.
Many of these people either cover the pain with OTC or prescription medications, or decide to just live with it. The problem is that all medications have both short and long term side effects. Only in rare cases should this be considered as a long term treatment option to this typically correctable problem.
Low back pain usually falls in to one of the following categories:
1. Patients have experienced chronic long term pain or discomfort with multiple episodes of increased pain which come and go.
Many of these people either cover the pain with OTC or prescription medications, or decide to just live with it. The problem is that all medications have both short and long term side effects. Only in rare cases should this be considered as a long term treatment option to this typically correctable problem.
As far as just living with the pain, two areas must be considered.
First, pain is NOT normal, so there IS something wrong. Ignoring it or just dealing with it allows the condition to progress undiagnosed and untreated. Lastly, why live with it and the effects it can have on your QUALITY of life, if you don't have to.
2. These patients are the limpers, hobblers and crawlers. Their pain started all at once and hit hard and fast. We typically hear something like "I just reached down to pick up a book and my back went out." Another common statement goes something like "I have never had low back pain before."
This type of condition can stop even the most determined and tough individual in their tracks and literally bring them to their knees. This can be a very scary time for those who have never experienced this before.
Typically our spinal examination reveals long time trauma or misalignment of the Lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum or the hips. The body has gotten to a point where it is overcome by these conditions and literally stops functioning properly.
NOTE: There are a number of causes of low back pain. Most who seek out our office fall into the category of Chiropractic care to fix the CAUSE of the problem. We have great success with these patients. Occasionally, we find that the problem is not musculo-skeletal related and in these cases, they are referred to to another type of Doctor who specializes in their particular condition.
First, pain is NOT normal, so there IS something wrong. Ignoring it or just dealing with it allows the condition to progress undiagnosed and untreated. Lastly, why live with it and the effects it can have on your QUALITY of life, if you don't have to.
2. These patients are the limpers, hobblers and crawlers. Their pain started all at once and hit hard and fast. We typically hear something like "I just reached down to pick up a book and my back went out." Another common statement goes something like "I have never had low back pain before."
This type of condition can stop even the most determined and tough individual in their tracks and literally bring them to their knees. This can be a very scary time for those who have never experienced this before.
Typically our spinal examination reveals long time trauma or misalignment of the Lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum or the hips. The body has gotten to a point where it is overcome by these conditions and literally stops functioning properly.
NOTE: There are a number of causes of low back pain. Most who seek out our office fall into the category of Chiropractic care to fix the CAUSE of the problem. We have great success with these patients. Occasionally, we find that the problem is not musculo-skeletal related and in these cases, they are referred to to another type of Doctor who specializes in their particular condition.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Get Examined after a Car/Auto Accident!!
Untreated, many people suffer with
headaches, back, and neck pain for years after an accident.
Chiropractic patient care has been shown to provide effective relief
from the sprain and strain resulting from motor vehicle accident
Whiplash injury is the effect of sprain and strain in the neck, and results from injury to joints, nerves, ligaments and muscles of the cervical spine.
When there is an impact to the vehicle, most often from the rear, and the neck is "whipped" back and forth, this is technically termed hyperextension and hyperflexion of the cervical spine. Nerves are often injured during this process and can cause a radiation of pain to the arms or legs, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision or other symptoms.
skull neck bonesWhen viewing a x-ray of the neck after a whiplash injury, there is most often a loss of the natural curvature, or lordosis. Medical radiologists will note this condition when reading a patient's x-rays, disregarding whiplash as they do not consider it momentous, and some ignore whiplash altogether if it does not present itself in an X ray. Conditions can present themselves after a patient has been released and made a settlement without an attorney. This means that they have to take care of all the medical bills themselves if not covered.
Unfortunately, if this condition is left untreated after the swelling goes down, whiplash injury can contribute to many different symptoms and health problems that can lead to arthritis in the spine that could have been prevented.
Specialized Chiropractic care provides relief of pain, removes pressure or "pinching" that can cause damage to nerves, and prevents the proliferation of spinal arthritis by normalizing the movement of individual segments of the spine, thereby resolving the "wear and tear" that otherwise occurs.
Chiropractic treatment truly rehabilitates the areas of injury, by helping to restore the natural curves of the spine, along with exercises and other positive treatment. It is rare that in this type of treatment you will hear a Chiropractor say to you, "you have to learn to live with it."
Most vehicle insurance companies will cover the fees for Chiropractic treatment applied for in full for injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, either through third party or State or medical pay type insurance, or both.
Look for a Chiropractic office that can provide service to verify insurance coverage and to directly bill the carriers involved as a courtesy to their patients. You need to be able to pursue the care you need without the stress of handling insurance and related concerns. You can choose to handle the financial aspect of care on your own or in whatever ways you choose.
Motor vehicle accidents can cause injury and pain in other areas of the spine and body. Patients often complain of associated shoulder pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, and pain to the hips and legs. When multiple areas of the spine are involved, the condition is more complex. Treatment may need to be over a period of weeks, usually resulting in the patient getting full movement and full recovery.
Make An Appointment Today! @
Whiplash injury is the effect of sprain and strain in the neck, and results from injury to joints, nerves, ligaments and muscles of the cervical spine.
When there is an impact to the vehicle, most often from the rear, and the neck is "whipped" back and forth, this is technically termed hyperextension and hyperflexion of the cervical spine. Nerves are often injured during this process and can cause a radiation of pain to the arms or legs, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision or other symptoms.
skull neck bonesWhen viewing a x-ray of the neck after a whiplash injury, there is most often a loss of the natural curvature, or lordosis. Medical radiologists will note this condition when reading a patient's x-rays, disregarding whiplash as they do not consider it momentous, and some ignore whiplash altogether if it does not present itself in an X ray. Conditions can present themselves after a patient has been released and made a settlement without an attorney. This means that they have to take care of all the medical bills themselves if not covered.
Unfortunately, if this condition is left untreated after the swelling goes down, whiplash injury can contribute to many different symptoms and health problems that can lead to arthritis in the spine that could have been prevented.
Specialized Chiropractic care provides relief of pain, removes pressure or "pinching" that can cause damage to nerves, and prevents the proliferation of spinal arthritis by normalizing the movement of individual segments of the spine, thereby resolving the "wear and tear" that otherwise occurs.
Chiropractic treatment truly rehabilitates the areas of injury, by helping to restore the natural curves of the spine, along with exercises and other positive treatment. It is rare that in this type of treatment you will hear a Chiropractor say to you, "you have to learn to live with it."
Most vehicle insurance companies will cover the fees for Chiropractic treatment applied for in full for injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, either through third party or State or medical pay type insurance, or both.
Look for a Chiropractic office that can provide service to verify insurance coverage and to directly bill the carriers involved as a courtesy to their patients. You need to be able to pursue the care you need without the stress of handling insurance and related concerns. You can choose to handle the financial aspect of care on your own or in whatever ways you choose.
Motor vehicle accidents can cause injury and pain in other areas of the spine and body. Patients often complain of associated shoulder pain, upper back pain, lower back pain, and pain to the hips and legs. When multiple areas of the spine are involved, the condition is more complex. Treatment may need to be over a period of weeks, usually resulting in the patient getting full movement and full recovery.
Make An Appointment Today! @
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
The Four Phases of a Whiplash Injury
During a rear-end automobile collision,
your body goes through an extremely rapid and intense acceleration
and deceleration. In fact, all four phases of a whiplash injury occur
in less than one-half of a second! At each phase, there is a
different force acting on the body that contributes to the overall
injury, and with such a sudden and forceful movement, damage to the
vertebrae, nerves, discs, muscles, and ligaments of your neck and
spine can be substantial.
Phase 1
During this first phase, your car begins to be pushed out from under you, causing your mid-back to be flattened against the back of your seat. This results in an upward force in your cervical spine, compressing your discs and joints. As your seat back begins to accelerate your torso forward, your head moves backward, creating a shearing force in your neck. If your head restraint is properly adjusted, the distance your head travels backward is limited. However, most of the damage to the spine will occur before your head reaches your head restraint. Studies have shown that head restraints only reduce the risk of injury by 11-20%.Phase 2
During phase two, your torso has reached peak acceleration - 1.5 to 2 times that of your vehicle itself - but your head has not yet begun to accelerate forward and continues to move rearward. An abnormal S-curve develops in your cervical spine as your seat back recoils forward, much like a springboard, adding to the forward acceleration of the torso. Unfortunately, this forward seat back recoil occurs while your head is still moving backward, resulting in a shearing force in the neck that is one of the more damaging aspects of a whiplash injury. Many of the bone, joint, nerve, disc and TMJ injuries that I see clinically occur during this phase.Phase 3
During the third phase, your torso is now descending back down in your seat and your head and neck are at their peak forward acceleration. At the same time, your car is slowing down. If you released the pressure on your brake pedal during the first phases of the collision, it will likely be reapplied during this phase. Reapplication of the brake causes your car to slow down even quicker and increases the severity of the flexion injury of your neck. As you move forward in your seat, any slack in your seat belt and shoulder harness is taken up.Phase 4
This is probably the most damaging phase of the whiplash phenomenon. In this fourth phase, your torso is stopped by your seat belt and shoulder restraint and your head is free to move forward unimpeded. This results in a violent forward-bending motion of your neck, straining the muscles and ligaments, tearing fibers in the spinal discs, and forcing vertebrae out of their normal position. Your spinal cord and nerve roots get stretched and irritated, and your brain can strike the inside of your skull causing a mild to moderate brain injury. If you are not properly restrained by your seat harness, you may suffer a concussion, or more severe brain injury, from striking the steering wheel or windshield.WE CAN HELP YOU TAKE THE GUESS WORK OUT OF DEALING WITH THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
What is Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
Texas Department of Insurance requires automobile insurance carriers
in our state to issue all automobile policies it writes at least
$2500 worth of coverage and you have this coverage unless you reject
it in writing. Most people are unaware of this coverage or even know
what it is and therefore very few people use it. You end up paying
for coverage that they don’t inform you about and you’re entitled to.
Insurance is not understood and most people rely on their agent and
claims adjusters to advise them on what to do after an accident.
Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and are in business to make
money. They keep their costs down, less payout, more profits and
bonuses at the end of the year. Good for them and not for you.
What is PIP?
is no fault coverage similar to health insurance but on your auto
policy for your injuries and your passengers injuries. This coverage is
available regardless who is at fault. Yes, you can be the cause of
the accident and you will still be covered. There’s no deductible and
no co-payment. There is other separate coverage that will cover the
other party if you were at fault. If you do not have PIP then you
could still be covered if you were in an accident in another state
besides Texas. You may also be covered if you were hit in a crosswalk
by a car or on a bicycle or borrowing someone else’s car.
What will a claim do to my insurance rates and policy renewal?
section 5.7016 of the Texas insurance code, automobile insurance
carriers cannot non-renew you for filing one PIP claim in a 12 month
period. Also, it is unlikely that they would raise your rates for a sole
PIP claim.
Why doesn’t the other guy’s insurance pay for my medical expenses and why should I use my insurance?
treatment is expensive and you are liable for the costs. There is a
chance that the other party may never pay for your medical expenses
leaving you a financial burden. PIP gives you peace of mind that your
medical bills are covered. If you use your health insurance, you may
have to pay a deductible and co-pays to your doctor and if the health
insurance finds out that you were in an accident they could request
to be reimbursed. Some people get referred to a medical provider by
their attorney and the medical provider agrees to be paid months or
even years later. Since there are a limited number of medical
providers who agree to this arrangement, your choice and quality of
healthcare may be limited. The answer is to use your PIP coverage so
you will not have to pay for medical expenses out of your pocket and
get the best possible healthcare treatment available for you and your
family’s injuries caused by the accident.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
What exactly is whiplash?
The term “whiplash” is actually not a
very good description of this type of injury as it is describing the
movement of the head and neck during a collision or other high velocity
forces on the body. Logically, it can be described as the head going
through acceleration (picking up speed) and then rapid deceleration
(slowing down). These excessive forces on the neck are known to cause
soft-tissue (ligament, tendon, muscle) injury and sometimes can affect
bony tissue. Generally, the injuries obtained are sprains, strains, and
other varying amounts of soft-tissue damage.
So everyone should be checked/examined following an auto/car accident injury!
So everyone should be checked/examined following an auto/car accident injury!
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
Why should i get an attorney after an Auto/Car accident for my injuries?
An attorney helps with all aspects of an
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Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
What to Do If Injured in an Accident and Suffer From Whiplash
The term "whiplash" was first used in 1928 to define an injury mechanism
of sudden hyperextension followed by an immediate hyperflexion of the
neck that results in damage to the muscles, ligaments and tendons –
especially those that support the head. Today, we know that whiplash
injuries frequently do not result from hyperextension or hyperflexion
(extension and flexion beyond normal physiological limits), but rather
an extremely rapid extension and flexion that causes injuries.
Due to their complicated nature and profound impact on peoples lives, few topics in health care generate as much controversy as whiplash injuries. Unlike a broken bone where a simple x-ray can validate the presence of the fracture and standards of care can direct a health care professional as to the best way in which to handle the injury, whiplash injuries involve an unpredictable combination of nervous system, muscles joints and connective tissue disruption that is not simple to diagnose and can be even more of a challenge to treat. In order to help you understand the nature of whiplash injuries and how they should be treated, it is necessary to spend a bit of time discussing the mechanics of how whiplash injuries occur.
The Four Phases of a Whiplash Injury
During a rear-end automobile collision, your body goes through an extremely rapid and intense acceleration and deceleration. In fact, all four phases of a whiplash injury occur in less than one-half of a second! At each phase, there is a different force acting on the body that contributes to the overall injury, and with such a sudden and forceful movement, damage to the vertebrae, nerves, discs, muscles, and ligaments of your neck and spine can be substantial.
Phase 1
During this first phase, your car begins to be pushed out from under you, causing your mid-back to be flattened against the back of your seat. This results in an upward force in your cervical spine, compressing your discs and joints. As your seat back begins to accelerate your torso forward, your head moves backward, creating a shearing force in your neck. If your head restraint is properly adjusted, the distance your head travels backward is limited. However, most of the damage to the spine will occur before your head reaches your head restraint. Studies have shown that head restraints only reduce the risk of injury by 11-20%.
Phase 2
During phase two, your torso has reached peak acceleration - 1.5 to 2 times that of your vehicle itself - but your head has not yet begun to accelerate forward and continues to move rearward. An abnormal S-curve develops in your cervical spine as your seat back recoils forward, much like a springboard, adding to the forward acceleration of the torso. Unfortunately, this forward seat back recoil occurs while your head is still moving backward, resulting in a shearing force in the neck that is one of the more damaging aspects of a whiplash injury. Many of the bone, joint, nerve, disc and TMJ injuries that I see clinically occur during this phase.
Phase 3
During the third phase, your torso is now descending back down in your seat and your head and neck are at their peak forward acceleration. At the same time, your car is slowing down. If you released the pressure on your brake pedal during the first phases of the collision, it will likely be reapplied during this phase. Reapplication of the brake causes your car to slow down even quicker and increases the severity of the flexion injury of your neck. As you move forward in your seat, any slack in your seat belt and shoulder harness is taken up.
Phase 4
This is probably the most damaging phase of the whiplash phenomenon. In this fourth phase, your torso is stopped by your seat belt and shoulder restraint and your head is free to move forward unimpeded. This results in a violent forward-bending motion of your neck, straining the muscles and ligaments, tearing fibers in the spinal discs, and forcing vertebrae out of their normal position. Your spinal cord and nerve roots get stretched and irritated, and your brain can strike the inside of your skull causing a mild to moderate brain injury. If you are not properly restrained by your seat harness, you may suffer a concussion, or more severe brain injury, from striking the steering wheel or windshield.
Injuries Resulting from Whiplash Trauma
As we discussed briefly in the introduction, whiplash injuries can manifest in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, cognitive changes and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, it is impossible to predict the pattern of symptoms that each individual will suffer. Additionally, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to present. There are, however, a number of conditions that are very common among those who have suffered from whiplash trauma.
Neck pain
It is the single most common complaint in whiplash trauma, being reported by over 90% of patients. Often this pain radiates across the shoulders, up into the head, and down between the shoulder blades. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as all of the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
Facet joint pain is the most common cause of neck pain following a car accident. Facet joint pain is usually felt on the back of the neck, just to the right or left of center, and is usually tender to the touch. Facet joint pain cannot be visualized on x-rays or MRIs. It can only be diagnosed by physical palpation of the area.
Disc injury is also a common cause of neck pain; especially chronic pain. The outer wall of the disc (called the anulus) is made up of bundles of fibers that can be torn during a whiplash trauma. These tears, then, can lead to disc degeneration or herniation, resulting in irritation or compression of the nerves running through the area. This compression or irritation commonly leads to radiating pain into the arms, shoulders and upper back, and may result in muscle weakness.
Damage to the muscles and ligaments in the neck and upper back are the major cause of the pain experienced in the first few weeks following a whiplash injury, and is the main reason why you experience stiffness and restricted range of motion. But as the muscles have a chance to heal, they typically don’t cause as much actual pain as they contribute to abnormal movement. Damage to the ligaments often results in abnormal movement and instability.
After neck pain, headaches are the most prevalent complaint among those suffering from whiplash injury, affecting more than 80% of all people. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, most are related to injury of the muscles, ligaments and facet joints of the cervical spine, which refer pain to the head. Because of this, it is important to treat the supporting structures of your neck in order to help alleviate your headaches.
TMJ problems
A less common, but very debilitating disorder that results from whiplash is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ usually begins as pain, clicking and popping noises in the jaw during movement. If not properly evaluated and treated, TMJ problems can continue to worsen and lead to headaches, facial pain, ear pain and difficulty eating. Many chiropractors are specially trained to treat TMJ problems, or can refer you to a TMJ specialist.
Brain injury
Believe it or not, mild to moderate brain injury is common following a whiplash injury, due to the forces on the brain during the four phases mentioned earlier. The human brain is a very soft structure, suspended in a watery fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. When the brain is forced forward and backward in the skull, the brain bounces off the inside of the skull, leading to bruising or bleeding in the brain itself. In some cases, patients temporarily lose consciousness and have symptoms of a mild concussion. More often, there is no loss of consciousness, but patients complain of mild confusion or disorientation just after the crash. The long-term consequences of a mild brain injury can include mild confusion, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, irritability, forgetfulness, loss of sex drive, depression and emotional instability. Although less common, the nerves responsible for your sense of smell, taste and even your vision may be affected as well, resulting in a muted sense of taste, changes in your sensation of smell and visual disturbances.
Dizziness following a whiplash injury usually results from injury to the facet joints of the cervical spine, although in some cases injury to the brain or brain stem may be a factor as well. Typically, this dizziness is very temporary improves significantly with chiropractic treatment.
Low back pain
Although most people consider whiplash to be an injury of the neck, the low back is also commonly injured as well. In fact, low back pain is found in more than half of rear impact-collisions in which injury was reported, and almost three-quarters of all side-impact crashes. This is mostly due to the fact that the low back still experiences a tremendous compression during the first two phases of a whiplash injury, even though it does not have the degree of flexion-extension injury experienced in the neck.
Recovery from Whiplash
With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months. However, more than 20% of those who suffer from whiplash injuries continue to suffer from pain, weakness or restricted movement two years after their accident. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these people will continue to suffer from some level of disability or pain for many years after that, if not for the rest of their lives.
Whiplash is a unique condition that requires the expertise of a skilled health professional specially trained to work with these types of injuries. The most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a combination of chiropractic care, rehabilitation of the soft tissues and taking care of yourself at home.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities.
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
The term ‘soft tissue’ simply refers to anything that is not bone, such as your muscles, ligaments, tendons, nervous system, spinal discs and internal organs. During a whiplash injury, the tissues that are affected most are the soft tissues, the muscles, ligaments and discs in particular. In order to minimize permanent impairment and disability, it is important to use therapies that stimulate the soft tissues to heal correctly. These include massage therapy, electro-stimulation, trigger point therapy, stretching and specific strength and range of motion exercises.
Home Care
The most effective chiropractic care and soft tissue rehabilitation will be limited in its benefit if what you do at home or at work stresses or re-injures you on a daily basis. For this reason, it is important that your plan of care extend into the hours and days between your clinic visits to help speed your recovery. Some of the more common home care therapies are the application of ice packs, limitations on work or daily activities, specific stretches and exercises, taking nutritional supplements and getting plenty of rest.
Medical Intervention
In some severe cases of whiplash, it may be necessary to have some medical care as part of your overall treatment plan. The most common medical treatments include the use of anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, trigger point injections and, in some cases, epidural spinal injections. These therapies should be used for short-term relief of pain, if necessary, and not be the focus of treatment. After all, a drug cannot restore normal joint movement and stimulate healthy muscle repair. Fortunately, surgery is only needed in some cases of herniated discs, when the disc is pressing on the spinal cord, and in some cases of spine fractures.
Due to their complicated nature and profound impact on peoples lives, few topics in health care generate as much controversy as whiplash injuries. Unlike a broken bone where a simple x-ray can validate the presence of the fracture and standards of care can direct a health care professional as to the best way in which to handle the injury, whiplash injuries involve an unpredictable combination of nervous system, muscles joints and connective tissue disruption that is not simple to diagnose and can be even more of a challenge to treat. In order to help you understand the nature of whiplash injuries and how they should be treated, it is necessary to spend a bit of time discussing the mechanics of how whiplash injuries occur.
The Four Phases of a Whiplash Injury
During a rear-end automobile collision, your body goes through an extremely rapid and intense acceleration and deceleration. In fact, all four phases of a whiplash injury occur in less than one-half of a second! At each phase, there is a different force acting on the body that contributes to the overall injury, and with such a sudden and forceful movement, damage to the vertebrae, nerves, discs, muscles, and ligaments of your neck and spine can be substantial.
Phase 1
During this first phase, your car begins to be pushed out from under you, causing your mid-back to be flattened against the back of your seat. This results in an upward force in your cervical spine, compressing your discs and joints. As your seat back begins to accelerate your torso forward, your head moves backward, creating a shearing force in your neck. If your head restraint is properly adjusted, the distance your head travels backward is limited. However, most of the damage to the spine will occur before your head reaches your head restraint. Studies have shown that head restraints only reduce the risk of injury by 11-20%.
Phase 2
During phase two, your torso has reached peak acceleration - 1.5 to 2 times that of your vehicle itself - but your head has not yet begun to accelerate forward and continues to move rearward. An abnormal S-curve develops in your cervical spine as your seat back recoils forward, much like a springboard, adding to the forward acceleration of the torso. Unfortunately, this forward seat back recoil occurs while your head is still moving backward, resulting in a shearing force in the neck that is one of the more damaging aspects of a whiplash injury. Many of the bone, joint, nerve, disc and TMJ injuries that I see clinically occur during this phase.
Phase 3
During the third phase, your torso is now descending back down in your seat and your head and neck are at their peak forward acceleration. At the same time, your car is slowing down. If you released the pressure on your brake pedal during the first phases of the collision, it will likely be reapplied during this phase. Reapplication of the brake causes your car to slow down even quicker and increases the severity of the flexion injury of your neck. As you move forward in your seat, any slack in your seat belt and shoulder harness is taken up.
Phase 4
This is probably the most damaging phase of the whiplash phenomenon. In this fourth phase, your torso is stopped by your seat belt and shoulder restraint and your head is free to move forward unimpeded. This results in a violent forward-bending motion of your neck, straining the muscles and ligaments, tearing fibers in the spinal discs, and forcing vertebrae out of their normal position. Your spinal cord and nerve roots get stretched and irritated, and your brain can strike the inside of your skull causing a mild to moderate brain injury. If you are not properly restrained by your seat harness, you may suffer a concussion, or more severe brain injury, from striking the steering wheel or windshield.
Injuries Resulting from Whiplash Trauma
As we discussed briefly in the introduction, whiplash injuries can manifest in a wide variety of ways, including neck pain, headaches, fatigue, upper back and shoulder pain, cognitive changes and low back pain. Due to the fact that numerous factors play into the overall whiplash trauma, such as direction of impact, speed of the vehicles involved, as well as sex, age and physical condition, it is impossible to predict the pattern of symptoms that each individual will suffer. Additionally, whiplash symptoms commonly have a delayed onset, often taking weeks or months to present. There are, however, a number of conditions that are very common among those who have suffered from whiplash trauma.
Neck pain
It is the single most common complaint in whiplash trauma, being reported by over 90% of patients. Often this pain radiates across the shoulders, up into the head, and down between the shoulder blades. Whiplash injuries tend to affect all of the tissues in the neck, including the facet joints and discs between the vertebrae, as well as all of the muscles, ligaments and nerves.
Facet joint pain is the most common cause of neck pain following a car accident. Facet joint pain is usually felt on the back of the neck, just to the right or left of center, and is usually tender to the touch. Facet joint pain cannot be visualized on x-rays or MRIs. It can only be diagnosed by physical palpation of the area.
Disc injury is also a common cause of neck pain; especially chronic pain. The outer wall of the disc (called the anulus) is made up of bundles of fibers that can be torn during a whiplash trauma. These tears, then, can lead to disc degeneration or herniation, resulting in irritation or compression of the nerves running through the area. This compression or irritation commonly leads to radiating pain into the arms, shoulders and upper back, and may result in muscle weakness.
Damage to the muscles and ligaments in the neck and upper back are the major cause of the pain experienced in the first few weeks following a whiplash injury, and is the main reason why you experience stiffness and restricted range of motion. But as the muscles have a chance to heal, they typically don’t cause as much actual pain as they contribute to abnormal movement. Damage to the ligaments often results in abnormal movement and instability.
After neck pain, headaches are the most prevalent complaint among those suffering from whiplash injury, affecting more than 80% of all people. While some headaches are actually the result of direct brain injury, most are related to injury of the muscles, ligaments and facet joints of the cervical spine, which refer pain to the head. Because of this, it is important to treat the supporting structures of your neck in order to help alleviate your headaches.
TMJ problems
A less common, but very debilitating disorder that results from whiplash is temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). TMJ usually begins as pain, clicking and popping noises in the jaw during movement. If not properly evaluated and treated, TMJ problems can continue to worsen and lead to headaches, facial pain, ear pain and difficulty eating. Many chiropractors are specially trained to treat TMJ problems, or can refer you to a TMJ specialist.
Brain injury
Believe it or not, mild to moderate brain injury is common following a whiplash injury, due to the forces on the brain during the four phases mentioned earlier. The human brain is a very soft structure, suspended in a watery fluid called cerebrospinal fluid. When the brain is forced forward and backward in the skull, the brain bounces off the inside of the skull, leading to bruising or bleeding in the brain itself. In some cases, patients temporarily lose consciousness and have symptoms of a mild concussion. More often, there is no loss of consciousness, but patients complain of mild confusion or disorientation just after the crash. The long-term consequences of a mild brain injury can include mild confusion, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, irritability, forgetfulness, loss of sex drive, depression and emotional instability. Although less common, the nerves responsible for your sense of smell, taste and even your vision may be affected as well, resulting in a muted sense of taste, changes in your sensation of smell and visual disturbances.
Dizziness following a whiplash injury usually results from injury to the facet joints of the cervical spine, although in some cases injury to the brain or brain stem may be a factor as well. Typically, this dizziness is very temporary improves significantly with chiropractic treatment.
Low back pain
Although most people consider whiplash to be an injury of the neck, the low back is also commonly injured as well. In fact, low back pain is found in more than half of rear impact-collisions in which injury was reported, and almost three-quarters of all side-impact crashes. This is mostly due to the fact that the low back still experiences a tremendous compression during the first two phases of a whiplash injury, even though it does not have the degree of flexion-extension injury experienced in the neck.
Recovery from Whiplash
With proper care, many mild whiplash injuries heal within six to nine months. However, more than 20% of those who suffer from whiplash injuries continue to suffer from pain, weakness or restricted movement two years after their accident. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these people will continue to suffer from some level of disability or pain for many years after that, if not for the rest of their lives.
Whiplash is a unique condition that requires the expertise of a skilled health professional specially trained to work with these types of injuries. The most effective treatment for whiplash injuries is a combination of chiropractic care, rehabilitation of the soft tissues and taking care of yourself at home.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care utilizes manual manipulation of the spine to restore the normal movement and position of the spinal vertebrae. It is by far the single-most effective treatment for minimizing the long-term impact of whiplash injuries, especially when coupled with massage therapy, trigger point therapy, exercise rehabilitation and other soft tissue rehabilitation modalities.
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
The term ‘soft tissue’ simply refers to anything that is not bone, such as your muscles, ligaments, tendons, nervous system, spinal discs and internal organs. During a whiplash injury, the tissues that are affected most are the soft tissues, the muscles, ligaments and discs in particular. In order to minimize permanent impairment and disability, it is important to use therapies that stimulate the soft tissues to heal correctly. These include massage therapy, electro-stimulation, trigger point therapy, stretching and specific strength and range of motion exercises.
Home Care
The most effective chiropractic care and soft tissue rehabilitation will be limited in its benefit if what you do at home or at work stresses or re-injures you on a daily basis. For this reason, it is important that your plan of care extend into the hours and days between your clinic visits to help speed your recovery. Some of the more common home care therapies are the application of ice packs, limitations on work or daily activities, specific stretches and exercises, taking nutritional supplements and getting plenty of rest.
Medical Intervention
In some severe cases of whiplash, it may be necessary to have some medical care as part of your overall treatment plan. The most common medical treatments include the use of anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxants, trigger point injections and, in some cases, epidural spinal injections. These therapies should be used for short-term relief of pain, if necessary, and not be the focus of treatment. After all, a drug cannot restore normal joint movement and stimulate healthy muscle repair. Fortunately, surgery is only needed in some cases of herniated discs, when the disc is pressing on the spinal cord, and in some cases of spine fractures.
Balance disorder arm low back sciatica bulging/herniated disc carpal tunnel dizziness fibromyalgia restless leg fatigue headaches migraines insomnia tremor MS neck numbness low immunity thyroid,
Chiropractic chiropractor North Dallas injuries pain auto car accidents injury personal Attorney Whiplash whip lash sports Lawyer
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